Chapter Nineteen

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The heroes floated through the ethereal macrocosm of ghostly air, carried by Danny's clones, for what seemed like a forever. Once Danny had been able to go ghost again, and the effects of Skulker's poison on Toph had worn off, the ghost child had summoned his clones once again. This time, however, Starfire also helped to carry the heroes, following wherever Danny flew. She carried only one hero, Toph, who was still recovering from the after-effects of the toxin.

"As if I didn't hate flying enough," Toph grumbled. "Now I can't even see anything."

"I am sorry, but I did not hear you," Starfire replied.

"I hate flying!" Toph declared. "You're carrying me by my arms! My feet are dangling!"

In one overly rapid motion, Starfire jostled Toph so that she carried her in her arms like a newly wedded bride.

"Better?" Starfire inquired, smiling.

"A...A little," Toph replied, turning an uncomfortable shade of green.

"You have mentioned flying," Starfire noted, raising an eyebrow. "Have you partaken of the flying before?" 

"You're pretty weird, lady," Toph remarked, rather than answering.

Rather than take offense, Starfire gave Toph a wide, jovial grin. "So they tell me."

Toph sighed. "I've flown before. Back on my world, the Avatar, Aang, you remember me mentioning him?"

Starfire nodded affirmatively.

"Well, he has this big flying bison, Appa," Toph explained. "With six legs."

"Seriously?" Mr. Incredible asked as he flew alongside them. "A giant flying bison with six legs? Come on."

"Hey, if you don't believe me, don't believe me," Toph shrugged. 

"I believe the green-clad earth girl!" Starfire exclaimed.

Toph shot Mr. Incredible a victory smirk. "See, this lady knows what she's talking about!"

Mr. Incredible's lips flattened skeptically. "Two seconds ago, you were calling her weird."

"Not the point."

"Guys, eyes up. We're here," Danny announced. 

The heroes looked up, and silence overtook them as they stared in awe. Towering before them, floating untethered in space like Skulker's island, was a giant, glowing clock tower. It was littered with cogs that spun out from its interior and seem to spin into the interior of the island's foundation. From here, the heroes could even hear the sounds of ticking and whirring, as if the whole structure were one giant pocket watch. 

"This Clockwork seems to take his time motif pretty seriously," Boruto jested. 

"Just wait," Danny warned. "And try not to make any jokes like that when we get inside."

They alighted down onto the surface of the island, where Danny's clones all merged back into the prime Danny. Now, the heroes stood in front of two massive iron doors that marked the entrance to Clockwork's lair. Gesturing to Mr. Incredible, Danny joined the retired super in pushing open the doors with a grunt of effort. After some significant pushing, the entrance opened up, and the heroes walked inside.

The interior of Clockwork's lair was much like the exterior, filled with cogs and gears that spun and clanked in a dark void of emptiness. They all glanced about, on their guard, looking for the caretaker of this tower. But they saw nothing. Aela strode up beside Danny as the heroes continued to trespass deeper into the citadel.

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