Chapter Thirty-Five

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The Cathedral trembled violently as it struggled to maintain its integrity. Deku felt his eardrums come close to shattering, clasping his hands against the sides of his head to drown out as much of the Ghostly Wail as he could, even as blood eked through his fingers. Massive slabs of masonry the size of automobiles broke off from the ceiling and thundered down. Sunlight broke through the drab scenery and cast a spotlight on the melee.

Kringle's foot came off of Danny's chest as he was struck by the full force of the supersonic attack. He flew backward with a grunt, hurtling across his own antechamber before slamming into the opposite wall. Now, Danny was standing opposite Kringle, with Deku in between, still clutching his ears, even as the wail began to eke away. The protegee of All Might fell to his knees, his head spinning, still reeling from the earth-breaking battle cry.

The wall that Kringle had smashed into began to spiderweb with cracks, threatening to fall around him. Looking up with bewilderment, the metallic villain managed to dart out of the way, even as huge chunks of rock smote the spot where he'd been a moment before. Kringle had no time to recover before Danny leaped off of a fallen stone chunk and ambushed him with a flying right cross. Stumbling, Kringle regained his composure quickly, and once again engaged the hero.

Kringle lunged to grab Danny and attempt a submission, but the ghostly hero was more limber. Sidestepping the grab, he countered with a punch to Kringle's midsection, which sent the conqueror flying. Thinking on his feet, Danny flew around to grab Kringle out of the air, only to throw him down into an errant chunk of stone. Danny's foe gagged as the wind was completely driven from him on impact. Landing on the same stone slab, Danny prepared a burst of ice, ready to freeze Kringle solid.

This time, the metal menace was ready for him. Kicking out with one of his artificial legs, Kringle managed to trip Danny. The hero fell on his side, then rolling off of the haphazard platform where they'd been dueling. He fell several feet before he came to a halt, also grunting in pain. Kringle leaped up, ready to continue doing battle, and hopped down to finish the job.

Danny was on his hands and knees, one hand clutching the side of his tattered uniform. A pain like pulsing fire plagued his right side, and he was fairly certain he had broken some ribs. The agony coursed through him every time he took a breath. He winced as Kringle's metal foot came winding back for a kick that he was sure would end him. Danny clenched his eyes shut, wishing to some faraway watcher that he could see his family one last time...

Deku's knee plowed into the back of Kringle's neck, sending him pitching forward. Tripping over another piece of rock, he couldn't stop himself from bowling end over end and landing on his back. Deku landed and didn't wait for the go-ahead before grabbing Danny and hoisting him up. The aspiring Pro Hero knew that they had moments before their quarry would be on them again. Even so, Danny cursed foully as the pain singed him again.

"Got another one of those in the tank?" Deku asked, nearly shouting, mostly due to the fact that he couldn't even hear himself talk.

"Not...unless we can k-keep him going for a day or more," Danny sputtered. "We need a plan."

Kringle was already on his hands and knees, about to  charge.

"If you have any other tricks..." Deku mused. "I might be able to buy you some time."

Danny fixed him with a pointed stare. "You're gonna do it."

It wasn't a question. Deku nodded solemnly. Danny shook his head in frustration and consternation as Kringle stood fully.

"I might have something," Danny finally admitted. "But it will only work once. And you need to hit him when I tell you to. Understand?" 

Deku once again nodded. "I'll buy you what time I can."

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