Chapter Twenty-Eight

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All of the gathered heroes, save for Danny, Deku, and the new ally, Ed, stood on the far side of the pockmarked battlefield. Iida stood at the forefront, knowing that Deku and the two powerhouses, Danny and Ed, were on their way to confront Kringle. His cowled head turned to glance over the heroes gathered. Mr. Incredible strode up alongside him, peering out across the dueling grounds, which had quieted significantly.

"You see them?" Mr. Incredible asked. 

"Indeed," Iida concurred. "They appear to be straight ahead, several thousand meters. Which means they have an inherent advantage."

Killua crouched behind Iida and Incredible on the back of a green-furred bear. Garfield huffed restlessly, and the young shinobi felt his hackles raise. Using his Nen-enhanced vision, he could see what was awaiting them on the opposite end of the battlefield. Standing before a battalion of what probably numbered three hundred Kriegbots, shoulder to shoulder, were Kringle's four lieutenants. This time, among them, stood someone Killua didn't recognize:  a mutated, pink amorphous being with beady eyes and a flicking tail.

Killua hopped down off of Garfield, with the Beast Boy giving a knowing huff. He approached Incredible and Iida calmly. The two superheroes turned to acknowledge him. Killua nodded coldly before he spoke.

"Muscular is fully healed," he warned.

"What?" Mr. Incredible bellowed, turning to face the assassin. "How is that possible?"

Killua shrugged. "You've seen his abilities. He can generate excess muscle. You beat him, but you didn't defeat him."

Mr. Incredible cursed viciously.

"We have to be concise and direct with this attack," Iida hissed. "We're not just buying Midoriya and the others time to spare. If we fail to take out the rest of Kringle's forces here, they'll double back and pin down our allies. This is our last stand."

"Then we need to do this," Bob snarled. "Now."

"What we need," Killua insisted pointedly, "is a plan."

"I have one."

The three turned to see Aela the Huntress striding up alongside them. 

"A day has gone since last I used my Beast Blood," Aela explained. "I can lead the Companions and one or two of us in a frontal assault on the lieutenants. We can weaken them. Enough that the rest of you can deliver one final, definitive blow."

"That's suicide," Iida negated. "A handful of werewolves, no matter how fearsome, can't stand against an army of hundreds of Kriegbots."

"I've fought dragons alongside the realm's greatest warriors, boy," Aela snapped. "The Companions have stood against armies of thousands with only ourselves to count on. Did you not witness our prowess on the battlefield mere hours ago? We have nothing to prove. I merely offer you the strength you need to win this."

Iida exchanged a glance with Mr. Incredible. 

"It's your call," he announced.

Bob's eyebrows raised. "Mine?"

"Have you not noticed?" Iida inquired. "Not even now? You and Danny Phantom are the leaders in this. The forgotten hero, together with the Ghost Boy. Well, he has gone to fight the final boss, the last barrier between us and freedom. That leaves you. The choice is yours."

As if for further evidence, Mr. Incredible looked at Aela. But the Companions' archer only grunted stoically. Instead, Mr. Incredible locked eyes with Killua. The boys' expression was unreadable. But he nodded in solidarity.

Bob turned back to Aela.

"Now, the question is who will go with you."

"I'll go."

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