Chapter Thirty-Two

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The labyrinthine halls echoed eerily with every step the three heroes took. For a compound so massive, it was remarkably bereft of activity, with the only sound beyond their noisy footsteps the distant wail of battle outside. Danny's green eyes pierced what would have been near total darkness, while the flickering blue sparks of Deku's quirk, One for All, cast ghostly shadows each time they lit up. Ed held the Gilded Doorknob at the ready, fully prepared in case a Kriegbot happened to jump them randomly.

Deku could hear Ed panting and sputtering in the dark, and the air quivered with the shaking of his own body. The hero's body had grown chilled with concern for his newfound comrade. If Ed's armor had deteriorated during the battle with the Kriegbots, Deku wondered if he would recover quickly enough to contribute to the imminent fight ahead. Although he'd acknowledged that he was willing to die to defeat the man who'd stolen him from his life, that was not an outcome that Deku was willing to allow. 

As if he'd predicted the future, Deku halted as he heard Ed stumble in the inky space. Danny staggered, thrusting out two hands to support the beleaguered warrior. His gasps of breath were as clear as their footsteps had been a moment before. Deku crossed in front of Ed, kneeling down to make eye contact with him.

"Ed," he murmured.

Although his face was hardly visible, Danny's eyes lit up Ed's visage as his head slowly rose to stare at Izuku.

"I know what it's like to put your life on the line for something," Deku said sincerely. "I've lost count of how many times I've stepped between a horrible villain and someone who couldn't defend themselves. And there have been a lot of times where I didn't know if I would make it out."

Though Ed's head was lolling slightly and his eyes were half-closed, Deku could see recognition in them, so he continued.

"But there have also been times when I had to step aside and let my friends help me. There have even been times where I couldn't fight, and they had to step in to do it for me," Deku continued. "So understand that I'm being serious when I say I know what you're feeling. But...if this fight is something you can't survive, then Danny and I don't want you to get yourself killed."

Deku's eyes flashed as he glanced to the Ghost Boy for confirmation.

Danny's glowing eyes were veiled and grim. "Ed...he's right." 

"I don't need you two telling me how to do my job," he whispered, no malice in his voice. "This happened because of me. You two understand that, don't you?"

Danny and Deku again exchanged reserved glances. 

"Kringle used an ability I didn't know I had, combined with Clockwork's Amulets, to abduct all of you, and bring you here," Ed said bitterly. "Because he wanted power. I have to stop him. This is my fight as much as it is yours."

"Ed," Danny said determinedly, stepping forward. "No one is saying this isn't your fight. You helped us get in here, didn't you? Without the information you've given us...we would be flying blind. You've been through so much, and you've been here longer than any of us have. If anyone deserves to go home after this, it's you. But you can't go home if you die."

Ed's forehead was wrinkled in thought and glistening with sweat, which caused it to shimmer weirdly in the faint green light. Deku couldn't read what the young super-spy was thinking. Danny took another step forward, bending and putting a knowing hand on Ed's shoulder. Ed flinched, but didn't pull away from the gesture of acknowledgment.

"My dad, my mom, and my bratty older sister are waiting for me, back home, you know," he explained. "My best friend, Tucker. My girlfriend, Sam. There have been times when I didn't know if I would make it back, Ed. I've been trapped inside my own dreams, imprisoned in the Ghost Zone, hunted by ghosts that wanted to kill me. And each time, I felt like I had to keep going."

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