Chapter Sixteen

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The army of his creation teemed before Kris Kringle as he stood before his towering fortress proudly. There were nearly one-hundred and fifty Kriegbots ready for deployment against the nine heroes he had absconded to this realm. His realm. His keen gaze shifted out over the various models at his command, their implements of destruction glistening in the morning sun. He had waited long enough for results.

Now it was time to go out and get them.

Vlad hovered up to him, his ghostly form aglow. Kris gave him barely more than a passing glance. To Vlad, Kris was an intimidating sight:  a rotund but built man, with two crustacean-like metal limbs where his legs ought to have been. His left arm was replaced with a menacing looking claw made of some otherworldly metal, decorated with inscriptions in a language Vlad didn't know. While the ghostly menace knew that Kringle's deadly nature came mostly from his cunning intellect, he was certainly not someone Vlad personally wanted to tangle with.

"I suppose you missed it the first time, so I'll repeat my orders," Kringle hissed. "Begin your assault on the heroes. Bring them to my fortress. Alive. Any other result will be met with discipline."

Vlad grimaced. "Your posturing grows exhausting, Kringle. I am not some child you can scold. We are equals, and I only agreed to this alliance under the pretext of being treated like one!"

He regretted those words almost as soon as they exited his fanged mouth. Kris' bald head turned to him, his eyes blazing with a look so fearsome it would make even the most terrifying ghost shiver. With blinding speed, his metal arm thrust out, gripping Vlad's throat. His grip was stronger than anything the conniving ghost hybrid had ever felt and, even as he tried to become intangible and phase out, he was terrified to discover that his efforts were in vain. The blistering scrutiny from Kringle continued as he spoke.

"My equals do not sully my carefully devised plans by telling my query what I have in store for them," he intoned gravely. "Your arrogance, your vanity, your childish rivalry with the ghost child has cost me victory more than once. As soon as you demonstrate to me that you aren't the weakest link among the four warriors I've recruited, then you will earn my respect. But, insofar, you've proven yourself to only have the competence of a common crony."

The clawed hand around Vlad's neck loosened, and he took in a massive gulp of breath, dropping to his knees. Kringle was more powerful than he'd imagined. How had he been able to prevent Vlad from phasing? Vlad had no time to ponder this as Azula came striding up alongside Kringle. Rapidly, the ghost villain pulled himself to his full height, composing himself. Azula smirked.

"Give the order," Kringle commanded. "And this time, bring me the heroes."

Azula nodded brusquely, raising a hand into the air.


Bringing it high above her head, she brought her hand down in a slicing motion.


The hulking army of twisted steel and killing instruments marched forward. In their wake, the ground trembled. Azula, too, took off at a trot, following along among their ranks. A few dozen yards to her right, Muscular lumbered along, his body bulging with grotesque muscle mass, and his mouth frothing with the urge to do battle. Although she couldn't see them, the Fire Nation princess knew that Blackfire and Vlad were flying overhead, also following the army toward the treeline where the heroes were sheltered. The massive battalion of Kriegbots kicked up a cloud of dust behind them as they made their march forward. 

As the colossal force of Kriegbots advanced, Azula noticed something far ahead of them, right in front of the treeline. She thought for a moment that the sun was playing tricks with her eyes. But, as they approached, she saw that her suspicions were indeed confirmed. Sitting on the ground, legs crossed, katana splayed across, was the silvery form of an armored man. He had a visor that glowed green, and inscriptions on his breastplate. 

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