Part 12

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Cecilie's POV

I was explaining to CC that he had been my background picture for a while and that I just didn't think about changing it.

"Well... that is an old pic you know..." He said "Don't you want a newer one?" He said putting down my journal and posing.
I opened up my camera and snapped a pic of him. "maybe a selfie with your idol" He said emphasizing the word idol. I slapped him on the arm giggling.

I switched to selfie mode and tried taking the selfie. My arm wasn't quite long enough so CC took my phone and snapped the pictures. First one where we were both smiling then one where we made goofy faces and the last one he took was of him kissing me on the cheek.

"Can you send me those?" CC asked me.
"Uhm yea, sure, why?" I asked confused.
"They're good pictures and I wanna post them to instagram" He smirked at me.
"don't you think people will start rumors because of the picture of you kissing me on the cheek?" I asked him. I didn't want to ruin his reputation.
He shrugged "I don't mind" he said

I sent him the pictures and chose the one where we made goofy faces as my new background. I posted the picture where we were smiling to my instagram. I had assembled quite the following on instagram. Everything I posted was either band or school related, so people related to my instagram a lot.

CC tagged me in his post so people could find my instagram and I gained around 50 thousand followers in no time which meant my instagram was now at almost 60 thousand followers.
The picture CC had posted got so many comments from angry fans being jeakous of me.

I understood them though. I would be very jealous as well.
Some of them even recognised my username, which was the same as on twitter. They said I was super lucky. I was super lucky. I couldn't believe how big of a turn my life had taken in the matter of months. 
3 months ago I tweeted a picture of my concert ticket hoping Andy would respond and I ended up getting pulled backstage.

My eyes were starteing tear up.
"You okay?" CC looked at me concerned. I nodded andwiped my eyes with the sleeves of my hoodie. "just thinking about how much my life has changed in the matter of no time. And now I'm sitting here... with you" I sniffed and cc put an arm around me. "So happy tears?" he nuzzled my hair. I nodded.

"I'm pretty happy about it as well" He said.
I leaned my head on his chest.
*Pling* my phone said.

I picked it up to see what was going on. 'DM from BVBluvlife' This was the first DM after CC had posted the picture.

"Are you and CC dating?" The message read. I started typing
"No, just friends" And an emoji poking out it's tongue. 

CC put a hand on his chest and gasped, pretending to be hurt.
"Just friends!" He said "Just friends?!" He couldn't keep a straight face so he started laguhing. 
"Well CC, we've only known each other for like three days... we talked on twitter before that but physically we have only known each other for three days" I smirked

"you know damn well that this is more than "just friends"" He said winking at me. I giggled and blushed.
I knew we were I just don't see why he would want the whole world knowing what was going on between us. I wasn't anything to be proud of.

"We have to be backstage soon" CC said 
I nodded "I'm gonna go get ready in the merch booth" It suddenly struck me that people would be asking about CC and I. "CC, I'm a really bad liar... what if anyone asks about us?" He chuckled.

"You can just tell them that we are not dating... yet" He winked at me and walked out the door to meet the guys. I walked out of the door and followed them backstage. The tour manager came to lead me to the merch booth.

When we walked there he asked me if CC and I were a thing. I did just as CC had told me to.
"Not yet" I smiled up at him. "And you don't like him only because he is famous, right?" He looked concerned. I shook my head. "Good, lots of previous girls were just after fame or only liked the idea of him because they were fans." I shook my head again.
"I really do like CC. We have a lot of fun joking around. He nodded.

We were at the merch booth now and I could see the huge line of people outside from where I was standing. The tour manager(I learned his name was Jon) gave some quick instructions on cash back, merch prices and how much small talk I was supposed to do.

I could hear the music from the concert playing while I was selling merch. There was always someone at the merch booth buying merch but they were busy getting back to the concert again, so there wasn't much smalltalk.

When the 15 minute break started people stormed to the merch booth to get merch.
Many people asked about me and CC. Some were nice about it and other told me that I do not deserve his attention. I agreed with them though. I didn't deserve his attention.

When the concert ended and no one was waiting at the merch booth to buy merch anymore Jon took 300 dollars from the register and handed them to me. 
"Uh, what?" I asked confused.
"selling merch is a paying job, you know?" He laughed putting the money closer to me. 
I unwillingly took the money - this was waaay too much.

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