The Newbie

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I will do drawings for all the chapters :3

Baby's P.O.V

It's finally here, the day I've been waiting for all summer. My first day, of my new school I'm now in sophomore year, I moved away from the city to this small town with my big brother, Ennard he is like a father to us since my parents died when I was around ten or eleven, my younger brother, Tom he's nine, my other younger brother, Liam he's six and last but not least my younger twin brothers, Billy and Alex. I call them little nick names and they like it Billy is Biddy Bab and Alex is Electro Bab. Billy is a small chubby four year old and Alex is a small, lively little boy who's hair sticks up like he's been electricuted, hense why I call him Electro Bab. I was in bed, having the best dream ever! And guess who had to rewin it. Yep, that's right! My alarm clock. I always kept it on a shelf in the other side of the room so I didn't break it to bits like my last four. So I got up and hit the awake button, then slid downstairs like a serpent to make breakfast for the littlies, as per usual I made them waffles and toast. I went to wake them up and bring them to their seats, I gently woke up Ennard to tell him his was ready because he had worked for hours on end to get us money to keep us in a house and eating. I worked to, I was a waitress at a coffee shop down the road now. We were lucky enough to find jobs before the end of the week, Ennard is a supplyer he works from four PM till one AM I am so grateful for what he's done for us, we finally live in a house now. And not some stinky flat, I dashed into my room and changed into my new school uniform. I think I looked quite nice in it, it needed some adjustments but it was fine. I had a dark purple blazer with the logo Victoria Town school, I had a beautiful black skirt that moved around like a flag when I walked. And on the letter we could wear any socks we liked as long as they were black or white, soooooooo... I wore cat socks they were long black stockings with cute little cat ears and a cat face sewed in with white thread I tired my hair up in to pigtails just like always! I shoved my books in my bag and went down to my siblings and went to school me and Ennard droped the twins off at kindergarten and the others off at primary then we headed off to our school. As we approached the building I started to worry if I would get bullied or need to give somody a broken arm. I had a realy short temper, so I looked at Ennard hoping he would just take us all away to be with our parents in a nice huge house with nice friends and family all around us. But, I was here now. I couldn't turn back. Ennard turned his head and looked at me,
"hey, it's OK Elizabeth. You will be fine, say the kids have a few hours long club after school what do you say we go get some coffee before we head off to work?" he asked,
"Ennard realy? I would love to! But do we have the money? You know, to be able to eat next week?" I asked concerned, he insisted we went out and it would be alright so I agreed he was looking happy this morning, I just had to go.

I entered the school and we set of our own ways, I needed to get a schedule but I didn't know where to go. I walked up to a tall lady that had long blonde and purple Hair, she looked around the same age as me and tapped her on the back since I couldn't reach her shoulder. Before I could say anything the lady started talking to me,
"Oh hello there! Have you gone into the wrong place little girl? Vicys primary school is down the road! Would you like me to show you? My you look a bit pale! Are you alright?" she asked me in sutch an annoying baby voice I could feel my cheeks turning bright pink with anger.
I growled she looked caught off guard as she realised I went to the school with her.
"oh my god! Dude I'm so sorry, your just so.." she stopped after she realised what she had said "so.. Are you new? Heh" she asked awkwardly,
"yes, yes I am. I am a sophmore and I wanted to ask you if you could show me where I could get my schedule.." I said sounding like I was gonna kill somebody.
"well I can't I'm busy right now but I can show you to somebody who can!" she lied, I agreed and followed her through the hallways. She led me to a boy, around the same size as her, he had white hair with a streak of pink in it and he wore long black trousers along with the blouse and shirt.
"hi there newbie, I'm Jonathan bit you can call me foxy." he said greeting me with a warm smile,
"oh yeah and I'm Megan, but you can call me Lol bit! We are twins." the girl told me,
"great, my names Elizabeth." I said shaking their hands.
"hmm she's, she's, she's.." Foxy said
"yeah she realy is isn't she" lol bit replied. This was the most confusing thing ever to happen to me in my life. Suddenly a smaller chubbyer dude came over and joined in the conversation.
"hey guys! Who's this?" he pointed at me he had white and purple hair. What was it with people and dying their hair! "She's a newbie" foxy pointed out, again. "ohh! Have you recruited her yet?" he asked them, I glared at them wondering what in the world was happening. "nah dude Ballora hasn't met her yet everyone needs to before we recruit her, then we can give her a name to!" lol bit responded, I had had enough now it was making no sense!
"excuse me what? I already have a name! And I already told you it!!!" I raged,
"wow, shorty here has a lacking alot of temper control huh?" the chubby dude said lol bit looked worried. I walked up to the chubby guy and jumped to grab his tie, I whispered in his ear,
"if you call me short one more time I will rip your teeth out and use them to tear your chest open and I will rip you apart limb by limb." the guy looked shocked and backed away from me. "this is Jay, but you can call him Freddy." lol bit said as she introduced me, suddenly I was thrown to th ground by so body coming up behind me. I got on my knees and turned round to see a girl, a  very, very tall girl. She had blue hair tied up in a bun and wore lots of jewelry around her wrists
"oh my goodness sorry let me help you up!" She said "I didn't see you there, sorry!" she grabbed my hand and gently pulled me up, I felt like a ticking bomb about to explode,
"hey, my names Abigail but you can call me Ballora. I can help you get your schedule." she said I simply looked at her and said agreed slowly. I followed Ballora to where I needed to be and she looked at my schedule and said, "hey! We have almost all the same classes together!!" she grinned at me and I grinned back.
It was out last period before lunch and I was in math class Ballora told me I could sit with her and the weirdos. I gladly agreed because they were my only friends.
At lunch I followed Ballora to a small table occupied by the three doofuses I had seen earlier today. We started talking until they all stopped and stared at me. "what should her name be?" said one and "how old is she?" said another, until Ballora stopped them and announced. Elizabeth Afton, we have decided your name shall be, Baby!" what? I already had a normal name though? The twins and freddy started proving their points to why I was called Baby, "well your short, like a baby" said one "you've got a short temper like a baby said another they kept proving things one after another until ballora said
"okay, okay, let's do a question circle. We go round the circle and ask people questions about them self, three questions each." everyone agreed and let ballora choose who went first.
"Babs, my first question for you is,
Where do you live?" she asked,
"Well I live in a two story house down the road with my brothers. We've just moved in actually we finally made enough money to move out of the stink old apartment we lived in."
I answered. Some of their faces looked shocked, I immediately felt embarrassed.
"so you work? Where?" foxy asked me,
"oh, the coffee shop down the road I'm a waitress.." Then I realised what I had just done.
"realy!! Omg the outfits are so cute!" Lol bit shouted,
"I know right! Almost as cute as Baby's socks!" I blushed and immediately covered me knee high socks.
"well, they are pretty cute but the skirts are way to short for my liking. And don't even get me started on the shirt. I love it but it shows my belly and I dont realy like that." I answered back,
"so, my second question is how many brothers do you have?" said ballora,
"five. The twins Billy and Alex, then there's Tom, Liam and Ennard, Ennard actually comes here with me now. He's a senior. He earned money for us when my parents died while I looked after the four toddlers. " I answered
They looked at me in shock again. I went bright red in the face I wanted to hide away in a hole and die.
"my last question is, how old are you?" Ballora said finally a normal question.
"fourteen. My birthday is the 25th of December but you didn't need to know that." I answered before anyone could question me any more a big guy came and sat next to me practically squishing me up against ballora he had dark ginger hair with an eyepatch,
"hey there you must be the new kid, your so sweet you'll be giving me diabetes soon, wanna go out later?" then he winked at me. I was descusted.
"oh I would love to! But you look a little busy at the moment you should Finnish eating first" I said in the cutest voice I could, he looked at me confused, "yeah your eating a knuckle sandwich!" then I punched him in the face so hard that he fell off his chair and had a nose bleed. "Anyway I don't date men, So go find somebody else to be weird with." I told him as I turned back round to the table. The twins looked at me. Smirking. "what?" I said
But before they could tell me the bell rang and everyone got up to go to their next classes. After school me and Ballora hung out until Ennard got here, when he did we said our goodbyes and started walking to the coffee shop where I worked. We sat down, Ennard had a black coffee and I don't like coffee so I had a hot chocolate.
"so how was school?" he asked me with a gentle sip of his coffee.
"it was good. I realy like it there"
I responded
"meet any cute ladies?" Ennard teased
I blushed and said
"yeahhhhhhh definitely" in a silly voice. Then we both started laughing and talking about our days Ennard headed off to work and I went in the back to get changed. After I was ready I started my shift, my Co worker asked me if I could take out the trash for them since they were so busy and I agreed, even though I couldn't reach the trash bin outside. I walked over to the trash bin and stood on some boxes I managed to open it in the end and throw the trash in but I could see some people fighting each other I ran over and saw that foxy was getting beat up by to elder boys I immediately ran over and whacked them in the face, after a while of fighting later I only had some scratches and a black eye. I went over to foxy and helped him up,
"are you okay?" I asked him
"yes baby, I'm fine. I was meant to meet up with everyone here to surprise you but the school bullies followed me and I couldn't fight both of them."
"here foxy come into the back with me I will give you some things for your bruises to make them better." I told him and let him inside after he was cleaned up I had to fix myself now. Foxy helped me stop the blood and I covered my eye with my hair the brushes on my face, neck, arms and legs could not be helped I hat about five plasters on each arm and six or seven on my legs for the smaller cuts, the bigget cuts I just put bandages round. I let foxy back into the main area and saw that everyone else had arrived.
"hey Babes!" ballora said coming up with the others,
"surprise!!!" said freddy energetically
"Baby.." said ballora looking at my legs and arms, "what happened.."
"foxy!" lol bit said the same thing foxy decided to explain what happened.
"Baby.." Ballora grabbed my shoulder and used her thumb to move the hair from my eye.
"Baby! What have you done to yourself!" said lol bit they found all the deep cuts and took me to the hospital.
"guys I don't need medical treatment just let me go back to work!" I said praying that they would take me back
But they didn't. At the hospital the doctor said he was going to look at my cuts. So he removed my bandages and examined the cuts after a while he told us I would need stitches. Once he had left the room I sat there and grunted.
"why do you have to care about me so muuuuuuutch.." and I sat there looking at the ceiling.
"I'm sorry Baby, your brother would have done the same if he was here." foxy said sympathetically. I just grunted, the doctor came back and proceeded to stitch all my large cuts. After he was done he told me,
"okay Elizabeth. Do you do any sports? At school or as a club?"
"no sir"
"good now there are stitched up cuts on the soles of both your feet so you won't be able to walk. That's why I'm supplying you with a wheel chair."
What, is he serious? I don't want a wheel chair!! No no no!
"how long do I have to uh.. Use it for?"
I asked,
"about three weeks since you have two cuts"
I groaned and I moaned then I worried,
"how am I gonna go to my room? How am I gonna cook for my little brothers if I can't reach the shelf? How am I gonna tuck them in? How am I gonna wake them up!!" I asked terrorised by what I had just realised,
"surely your parents will do it for you."
"they are dead sir. Dead. D e a d dead."
"Oh I'm sorry for asking. "
Suddenly out of the blue ballora shouted,
"I could do it! I can help!"
"great idea!" the doctor announced
I was fine with it, so was balloras parents. So ballora took me back to her car said goodbye to our friends and took me home to my house.
"okay Baby, first we need to find out the sleeping situation. Maybe you could sleep on the sofa?" she suggested,
"great idea Ballora! You can sleep in my room if you want. Man, my luck today. I'm just the worst" I replied
"no your not. Tell you what, how about I get some blankets from my car and sleep in here with you! It can be like a realy long sleep over!" she said excitedly,
"omg let's invite everybody over for a slumber party!" I said exidely as well.
An hour later everyone started arriving, lol bit brought her karaoke machine! We decided to sing some karaoke, foxy went first. (skip a little bit of the video)

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