The Voice

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'Elizabeth..its me, your friend' I heard a voice say, "hello?" I said looking around my room desperately nobody was there. I grabbed my phone and immediately texted the weirdos group chat,
'hey guys, who's pranking? I came on Thursday.' I asked hoping to hear somebodys phone go off in my room.
"Oh, I'm not one of your 'friends' from school. I'm your best friend."
The voice said again, what? Who's in my room?? I looked down at the group chat and it said,
'Nobody's pranking baby, what is it?'
This made chills run down my spine.
I texted back 'somebody is in my room.' I was so terrorfied.
" oh poor girl, I'm the voice in your head. I'm not physical but I am here, I am your friend and we will take what's ours. You can trust me, I'm your friend" it reassured me, "okay, well how do I know I can trust you?" I asked.
"get a blindfold and walk a cross the road outside I will tell you when to stop and go." it told me, I wasn't one hundred percent sure about the idea bit I grappled a blindfold and walked out to the busy road. I stood there and applied my blind fold, I walked out on to the road and listened to the voice.
"stop." I stopped, I heard a car go by. "go" I went, we repeated this for some time until he said "alright you can remove your blindfold now." I removed it and looked around, I was on the other side of the road. Wow, this voice thing was ligit dude. This voice was there for a while now and I trust it completely, my grades have been shooting up because he told me all the answers. It was great! Until one day there was a little girl and she nicked my purse, I didn't realise but voice did. Then I felt a lot of pain and my head hurt then I blacked out. When I woke up I was standing over a girl, she was dead. She had blood all over her, I looked at my hands in shock there was blood all over them... I ran away as fast as I could and washed the blood off my hands, the voice was more active after this and I keep blacking out and seeing weird, terrorfying things. I couldn't tell anyone, it was so scary. I still can't belive I killed someone, never in a million years would I want to kill someone. Not at all! I decided to tell Ennard I hoped he wouldn't freak out or try to get rid of me. I came up to him and said,
"Ennard hey, we need to talk. Well I need to talk. I don't want you to say anything and just let me explain okay? Well, I have a voice in my head and I've been doing what it's told me, but recently. I've been blacking out and waking up seeing I had done something horrible! I don't remember doing any of those things and, I, I killed somebody." I started to cry and Ennard looked at me and said
"Baby, this is serious. We need to get you to a doctor, wait. Is this where you have been going?" he asked desperately,
"no, I've been going to a therapist because I've beat more people up than usual." we got into the car and Ennard held my hand, he recently learnt how to drive I'm so proud of him. We drove to the hospital and the voice told me,
"THEY WILL LOCK US UP!! WE NEED TO GO NOW!!" I panicked and tried to jump off the wheelie bed they had me on to take me to the mental peoples department and they grabbed me and pushed me down I tried to break free again but I couldn't Ennard reassured me and I calmed down the voice wouldn't have it though.
"it's alright, Ennard said they will take care of us, right Ennard?" I asked,
"who are you talking to?" he asked
"the voice"
Suddenly I felt a jolt of energy in my system. I had to break out, I started scratching and biting. I wouldn't be taken toady! They had to call guards and they seized me and put a shot in my neck. I fell asleep and when I woke up I was in a room all alone on a hard metal bed, I was strapped down to it. I couldn't move. This is so scary,
"hello?" I asked into the empty room, no response. Then I spotted a camera, I stared at it and said,
"Hey! Why am I here? I don't like it here!! talk to meee!" I shouted then I started to cry, I could not control my emotions at all. I was lost in an ocean of anger and sadness and I couldn't find land, my small raft was getting smaller every storm that came by. I was just, alone. I decided to ask the voice what to do but cause I was so bored and scared, he told me to sing. Singing helps me to calm down, he told me to sing the song he helped me to write, I said alright and started singing.

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