My Happiest Day

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It's been a good few months now and I've settled in properly. Me and Ballora are in a weird relationship, we kinda are dating? But we arent. I will sort it all out when I get out of this dump. At lunch time today I say next to mangle and chica and we talked,
"ya know, you really look like two people I found on YouTube." Chica said to me,
"really? Who?" I responded
"oh there are these two people one red head and one bluenett and they do dances and songs and stuff, then there was this song quite a long time ago, by a little girl with red hair like you in pig tails like you. It's weird."
"oh god you found my YouTube channel."
"really?! You could have said! I love your songs!" Mangle said excitedly
"oh no they are rubbish.." I said hoping they would shut up.
"were you the little girl to?" Chica asked,
"yes.." then I had a flashback,

I was singing for a school talent show, I was like eight. Still a wee baby, and I find this really annoying because it was recorded and became viral instantly. God now my only friends know to. Help me please. The next few months went by and it was still awkward, everyone had found out now, I would often be begged to sing for somebody or have a chat with a stranger. But I didn't mind, as long as I wasn't dieing sad and alone in a hole with my enemies staring down at me it was fine.

A year had past and now me and Ballora are officially dating, she comes to see me every visiting day and I haven't heard from the voice for a while now, it was around seven in the morning and a nurse busted in through the door. Mangle and chica had both left the hospital now, but the nurse smiled at me and said,
"somebody's here to see you!" I looked behind her and nobody was there,
"uhh what?" I responded
"follow me" so I followed the nurse and she led me to the bathrooms.
"here are the clothes you had when you came here, hopefully they should still fit you. Go put them on" what? Why was I putting these on? Where am I going? I changed and I followed the nurse to the front desk. Ennard was there!! I ran over and gave him a huge hug.
"your free to go, it's been a pleasure having you." she told me, I was over joyed, I started jumping round and getting realy exited. Ennard took me outside and I just stared out into the world, it felt like I had been in hell for so long and I was finally free. I ran around like an idiot for a while then Ennard walked me home. I ran to the door and opened it, it was dark. I felt around for the light switch but then I found a hand, I was confused until the light turned on.
"SUPRISE!!!!" everyone shouted, all the weirdos were there! I was so happy!
"Welcome home Baby" ballora came up to me and kissed me,
"awwh guys your so kind! Ughsvffjjdhdbdbd!!!"
I said, I had no idea what to say I was so happy, even the little ones were there and as per the usual they were all fighting to come give me a hug. I hugged them all and gave them big kisses, we all talked and celebrated, we went out for dinner and had a great time. When we got home we watched YouTube on the TV then Ennard put on a play list,
"Baby, we made some videos for you in partnership with your two friends."
He said and clicked play on the first video.

Aww one of my songs! mangle is so sweet!
"I edited all of them and chose the songs!" said funtime foxy proudly,

"Oh my god, you finished it! Oh my god! Oh my god!" that was the last music video we recorded and that was my newest song, I loved it so mutch because it took a lot of hard work to make that, I had to learn a whole new language for that video. Its amazing how they have made it look, I was so overwhelmed I started crying and I hugged them all tightly, the next video was then played.

It was obvious that foxy animated it so I thanked him and we all went to my room, sleep over!!! The boys went to ennard room and me, bal and lol were here on our own, it was REAL hot so I decide to sleep in my underwear and some shorts, as I got changed I caught Ballora staring at me,
"how may I be of service?" I giggled sillily (is that even a word?) we all laughed and sat around waiting for the boys,
"it's been thirty minutes!!" I shouted,
"I'm going to go see what they are doing.." I went over to Ennard room and knocked on the door, "guys? We are waiting for you!" no response, guys? I gently opened the door, (I'm sorry) and there they were sitting on Ennard bed cocooned in the blankets,
"what the fudge nugget?!" I shouted, they all stared at me, but they weren't looking at my eyes it didn't take long before I slammed the door and shouted, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!" then I stormed off downstairs to the girls and I cocooned myself in a blanket next to Ballora, it wasn't long before all the boys ROLLED down the stairs,
"have you been drinking?" I asked them in a very rude tone still upset from earlier,
"no we haven't I'm just not being so serious anymore, I don't work." he said with a spring in his step as he hurtled himself around the room like a maniac, omg crazy dude. When we decided to go to bed, the boys slept in Ennards room and girls in mine. The sleeping situation with the boys was, foxy sleeps on the floor slumped up against the wall, freddy under Ennards bed and ennard, in the.. Closet?
"you have a bed guys. Use it. Two of you can share the sofa bed and one of you can use Ennards. There you go science." I said like an idiot, wait a minute it's a Sunday! School! Tomorrow! Oh my god. I went to my room and set up my green sofa bed.
"So who wa-" "DIBS" and before I could finish lol bit pounced onto my bed,
"okay then that solves that. I will be back I need to put the little ones to bed." I said, ballora awed. I could feel myself blushing, I entered the room and saw all of them sitting on their beds waiting for me to put them to bed. So cute,
"you good boys." I came over and tucked them all in,
"I am sleeping in the sofa bed tonight so go to that if you need me okay?" I announced,
"good night, love you" I said and closed the door, I saw ballora in the Hallway,
"hey Bab, I love you so mutch you know that right?" ballora said in a soothing voice,
"yeah I do... Wait Ballora!" I blushed,
"your realy good with them kids, hopefully one day, we will have our own~" she flirted, I was redder than my hair,
"Balloraaaaaa" I whined, then we went to our room and layed on our bed, my eyes were so heavy, and I couldn't stay awake for long, I fell asleep within seconds.

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