The Auditions

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Im writing this whilst I Finnish the other chapter bc I need to draw a drawing for it that you will have already seen, why am I writing this? I don't know. Also I hate the last chapter because it's like, o hay u my bro, o hay u my dad. Noice. OK what ever

It's Monday, about a month since I ran away. Ennard still isn't the same, I think I've really hurt him. We were walking school when Alex said,
"I'm gonna play with all my friends today! Im the popular boy!"
"we, not you." Billy corrected, I laughed and dropped them all off, when I got to school I saw my friends and went over to talk, we talked for awhile till the loudspeakers turned on,
"All students please report to the theatre. Now please." I heard Mr Afton say, we walked over and sat down. I sat next to Ballora and Astro, Mr Afton got on the stage with a mic and started speaking,
"Okay, I shall not keep you all long. But I wanted to inform you that there will be a school play! The auditions will come see later at break one and two in here. Good luck! You are dismissed" he said and we all left, I studied a poster, I want to audition! It's a remake of the Heather's musical!
I wanted to be one of the heathers, Ballora told me she thought I would be a good Veronica. But I wanted to be a Heather, so I decided to audition for Heather and Veronica. Ballora auditioned for Veronica and Martha,
Foxy and auditioned for all the male parts.
At break one we came in and did what the drama teacher told us, I was down for Heather Chanler and Veronica. I really wanted to get Heather Chanler!!
"Alright we will do, the Heather auditions first! Who's first group the list?" a person muffled a name and the teacher said,
"Alright! Miss Elizabeth Afton, miss Emily Willow and miss Ashley Collins please come up!" I went up to the stage and my friends cheered me on, she told us what part and song we would actand sing and gave us the micraphones,
(there's no Veronica in this just pretend she muted)

After we were done there was ALOT of clapping, after the other Heather auditions was the other actors. After a while she called me up again for Veronica and a guy for J. D,

Another round of applause and I'm done, I flop onto Ballora lap and cuddle her at how embarrassing that was, I think Ballora could seance my anxiety so she hugged me back. I could feel stares of other pupils burning into my back. Afterwards we went to class as normal. Me and Bal talked for a while during fourth period,
"you exited for results for the auditions after this?" I asked Ballora,
"I sure am! You?"
"of course I am!"
"who do you hope to get?"
"Heather, you?"
"I wouldn't mind being Martha"
After the Bell we made our way to the theatre,
Foxy got a part as J. D and Freddy a random school student,
"Alright quiet down, Martha will be acted by.."
The tension.
"Abigal Stuarts!"
Ballora immediately got exited, I hugged her and we all congratulated her, Lol bit had stage fright so she didn't audition.
"ALL RIGHT YOU LOT SHUT IT!" the teacher shouted, she was losing her patience,
"Heather McNamara, will be acted by Jenny Stuart"
Jenny stuart, the worst girl ever. She loved to show off, she would bully freshmen all the time and never get in trouble for it.
"Heather Duke will be acted by, Amara Chester"
Amara, nice girl spoke to her once or twice.
"Now, Heather Chanlers, will be acted by,"
OMG so scary I hope I get the part aaa!
Wait. Oh no. Anxiety is knocking on my brains door and I let him in.
Oh my god. I'm not gonna get it. They didn't like my singing or my acting. Oh my god. I'm gonna be bullied. People are gonna hate me. OH MY GOD.
"Heather Chanler will be acted by,
Amy Fredson!"
My heart sunk like the titanic.
Ballora grasped my hand and said,
"Hey, don't cry! Listen, it's okay!! Shh, you've still got Veronica!" she whispered, I clung to her tightly, I needed a hug. I sat back up and dried my trears, she was right I still had a chance of getting Veronica. She announced some more and I discovered, Astro got a part! Congrats to him! Then she said,
" Okay Veronica is the last on I haven't said, yeah, okay, she is gonna be acted by Uhh Elizabeth Ashton" she said, Ashton? WHO THE FUGE IS ELIZABETH ASHTON!!
I felt my face burning.
"oh sorry I meant Afton" The teacher said,
I shot out of my seat and screamed a mini scream, nobody could see me standing since I was so... Not.. Huge.. like a giant. My friends congratulated me and we left, I threw a mini party when we got home, I told Ennard what had happened and he was happy, the mini party consisted of, Me, My brothers, Astro, Ballora, lol bit, Foxy, Freddy, Bonbon, Balloras sisters and some of the littlies' friends. The little ones went off to play whilst we had our partay! We drank some alchahol for a while talking and stuff, after we were all drunk enough we started dancing to music, afterwards we played a game I had never heard of it was called 'spin the bottle' we all sat in a circle and Ennard put an empty Beer bottle in the middle,
"well, you spin the bottle and whoever it lands on you have to kiss, if it lands on you then you spin next. Simple" okay, sounds good enough.
We all did rock paper scissors, Foxy won so he span the bottle first, when he span it, it landed on Freddy! Hah! This will be good! I expected him to whine and ask to spin again but he didn't! He went up to freddy grabbed his collar and kissed him for a good two seconds. They both looked so embarrassed after though! Freddy span the bottle it span for a while until it was about to stop on Ennard, I got realy exited and stared at Ennard sitting next to me, BUT NO. IT DECIDED TO BE A JERK AND MOVE A LITTLE FURTHER AND POINTED AT ME! I stared at the bottle in shock that it wanted to kill me. Freddy came over to me and pecked me on the lips. That was. An experience. I span the bottle as hard as I could and it looked as if it was having a spaz attack. When it stopped it landed on Lol Bit, I went over to her and kissed her. After a while we all got bored and since we were drunk and couldn't drive home, we slept in my room. All of us. The sleeping situation was, foxy in my wardrobe, Ennard on my desk, Freddy under my bed, what a wacko. Lol bit on the floor, Astro on my bed, me on the floor ony mat and ballora next to my wardrobe. After about and hour I woke up needing to pee, I 'carefully' walked out, as carefully as I could I was drunk and tired. And did my business, when I was done. I walked out and left the door open, Ballora was up in the hall. She came over half asleep and gave me a hug, the we fell asleep on the floor in the bathroom because we couldn't be bothered to get to bed.

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