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Whoop whoop. I'm so dead. Right now we are getting changed in the backroom, everyone's out there!! I'm totally gonna mess up on stage aren't I? God they are gonna hate me!! I went and got changed into my dress and I put my hair down, it was so weird having it be brown. I waited till Mr Afton had stopped speaking and went out onto the stage,

After that I did some more acting and stuff. At the end it was a bit weird because of the dead girl walking scene with foxy.. We didn't talk mutch after that. I curtsied and waved to the audience, when me and Ballora got off stage I gave her a huge hug,
"I love you Ballora- wait I!"
Before I could Finnish she hugged me and said,
"I love you to" im pretty sure I turned into a tomato after that. We hugged some more till sombody spotted us and told us to get changed, Ballora kissed me on the cheek and left. Did that just happen!? Did that actually just happen?! NBHBFHBVFHFAWJOKF
When I got home Ennard showed me the recording he had taken and he posted it on YouTube. Why Ennard. Why? So cruel. I washed the dye out of my hair and layed on my bed, I love my life.

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