Taking A Walk

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I was In a abyss of darkness, I tried calling for somebody but nobody was there, then I found myself walking down the school halls towards the door, stood at the door was a person cloaked in black,
"hello?" I said, the person didn't move,
"hello?" I said louder, the person slowly turned, face still hidden, to face me, it was holding something, it was small, it was wrapped in a pink cloth. Then I woke up,
"morning Ewizabeth!" all the little said in sync.
"morning! How was your guys' sleep?"
"good!" they also said in sync, we all hurried off downstairs, I went in the kitchen and saw breakfast on the table. I hadn't made it, Ennard HATES cooking so it wasn't him, it was only 9 AM so he will probably be out at the shop buying more exotic butters.
"who made this?" I asked them, they were about to speak when I heard,
"I did!" I turned around and saw, Ballora?
"Ballora when and how did you get here?" I asked,
"front door, you gave me a key, remember? I got here about an hour ago." she told me, oh I forgot about that. Well, to late now. I ate the food Ballora had made, she had made a beautiful dish of eggs, corn sausages and mutch more! She knew I was vegetarian so that helped. After I was done I put my plate in the sink and said,
"I will be back in a sec." then Ballora responded,
"alright I'm going to make toast!" I walked upstairs and I opened my closet. I had lots of clothes, I picked out a black shirt that said, 'why u so serious?' and layers it on my bed. Then I picked out some blue jeans and lated them out to. I went to the bathroom and got in the shower, after I was done in the shower I went back to my room to get dressed, just as I was drying myself I heard somebody opening the door,
"Baby, where is the bre-" Ballora walked in, I grabbed the towel and covered myself. Ballora slammed the door and I put on my clothes, I heard Ennard screaming like a weirdo. He probably found Ballora, I went downstairs when I had finished and saw Ballora with a box of tissues with something on them, was that blood?? Ballora was having a nose bleed!
"oh my god Bal are you OK?" I asked,
"yeah I'm fine! I just uhh.. Hit my head.. Yeah! I hit my head on the uhh.. Door! Yeah I hit my head on the door!" she said, she sounded like she lied but u won't judge her. I noticed Ennard was being a bit quiet so I said, "what are you looking at?" I said
He smirked and said,
"Ballora nose bleed was caused by yo-" BAM! Ballora smacked him a cross the face.
"ow!" Ennard said in pain, I finished getting ready and decided I wanted to go out for a walk to the park. We all walked down to the local park and let the kids go play on the play area. I sat with Ballora on the bench whilst ennard played on the play park. Yes, you read that right. He played on the park pretending to be some kind of pirate thing, what a baby. He wasn't even playing with the kids! Suddenly Ballora lifted me up and carried me over to the swings, there were two swings. Nobody ever used them because they had new better ones, she put me down on the swing and said,
"let's swing!" she sat down and started swinging, we kept swinging for a while and then we decided to have a competition of who could swing the highest. I sang higher and higher and higher, I was winning, I wanted to show off so I said,
"Look Ballora, no hands!" when I let go of the swing I flew up into the air and landed in a tree.
"oh fudge nugget not again.."
"Oh my god Baby! Are you alright??" she shouted,
"yes I'm fine. This isn't the first time this has happened.. " the last bit I said quietly,
"wait what? I thought that you said you never went to the park!" Ballora shouted, oh god, I was so embarrassed I always go play on the swings. ALL THE Time. But I was so embarrassed I told Ballora I didn't.
"ugh, no?" I responded I managed to get to a branch on the tree and I saw another but couldn't reach it, I was going to have to jump. I got myself ready, despite Ballora shouting not to jump, and I jumped to the branch, I thought I had missed, my legs went down but I managed to grab a twig poking out the side,
"Baby let go I will catch you!" Ballora shouted, suddenly I saw Ennard climbing up the tree making weird noises,
"Ennard what are you doing?"
"Im being a turtle, obviously"
"turtles don't climb trees."
"yes they do. They also do this!" suddenly Ennard jumped and held onto my jeans,
"Ennard what the fudge nugget are you doing?!" I shouted,
"I don't know." he replied, he was close to the ground because he was quite tall, suddenly he grabbed onto my belt and loosened it and pulled my jeans down showing my underwear!
Afterwards he jumped off.
"Hey!!" I shouted blushing suddenly, the twig broke and I was falling, lucky and unlucky for me, Ballora caught me. She put me down and I pulled up my jeans,
"ENNARD WHY DID YOU DO THAT!!!" I raged and chased Ennard round the park, when I caught him he started shouting,
"STOP IT GAY GIRL!" this made me slap him more, after we fought we got some ice cream, Billy got chocolate, Liam got strawberry, Alex got Honeycomb, Tom had Vanilla, Ennard got chocolate, Ballora got vanilla and I got bubblegum. Whilst we were walking home I talked to Ennard and Ballora, suddenly Alex started crying, I turned around and saw that he had dropped his ice cream,
"E-Ewizabeth I-I dropped M-my ice cream!" he started crying more, I knelt down and said,
"Hey hey its okay, here have my ice cream instead. Would you like that?" I asked,
"mmhm!" he said sounding happier
"thank you!" I gave him a kiss on the head and started walking again,
"Here Baby share mine" Ballora said with a smile on her face.
"Aww Bal that's so sweet of you thanks!" I said cheerfully, then Ballora kissed me on the cheek, no problem Babe" I blushed and we walked home, I felt as if we were being watched witch was quite a terrorfying experience. When we got home we all talked for a while until it got late, Ballora went home and I put the little ones to bed. Then I passed on half on my bed and half on the floor because I was that tired.

Hey I'm on the buss rn on the way to hell I mean school

Fnaf high schoolTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang