The Project

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Eww no a flipaclip drawing

Baby's P.O.V

It's been three weeks now and the Ballora and the others have been helping me to walk again. Now I can walk just fine on my own, but I still limp a bit. Its Monday now and I get to go to school again, it was a normal day taking the kids to school then going to school with Ennard. All of the bruises and small cuts had healed it was just my stitches and my eye, I had a bandage over it because it had been servearly damaged. The littlies say I look like a pirate, I find that hilarious. My feet had fully healed up now, so had my arms, but my neck and face still needed some time. When we got to school I met up with the weirdos, they were all fussing me and saying how they had missed me at school and how it wasn't the same without me. Sheesh I had only been there for two weeks before the incident, really?
But then I was bombarded by freshmen I had met. Like Ballora sisters, lyndsey and Isabelle they ran up to me saying,
"what happened to your eye? What are those things on your neck and face?" they would ask me, over and over even though I had already told them the answers about seventy five thousand times now. Ballora eventually had to shoo them away,
"thanks Bal" I said
"No problem Babes" she responded, since we had lived together for three weeks we had got used to each other and shortened each others names. My brothers started questioning me after she called me 'babes' the first time and if we were dating since they didn't know my nick name was Baby so I explained and they left it alone after that. Our next class was English, I had that class with foxy so we split and me and foxy started talking,
"so Baby, what's up with you and Ballora?" he asked smirking,
"nothings up dude what are you talking about" I responded feeling me face go a little bit red.
"well let me just say this, it should be enough to explain, Bal? BABES? you two are definetly dating behind everyone's back, aren't you? I'm your best friend you can tell me anything!" he presented proudly,
"Foxy!! We aren't dating!! We just shortened each others names!!!" I said blushing heavily. He dropped the topic and we went back to elbowing each other. Class was boring, like always, so afterwards it was amazing to get out. Next it was tech class me, ballora and foxy had that class together so it was awesome.
" I heard the tech teacher has a suprise lesson for us today!" Ballora anounced we were all exited to see what we would be doing so we walked in and sat in out seats, we sat in opposite sides of the class sadly, so we couldn't talk. But we mouthed words to each other.
"hello class! Today we will be doing something different than what we normally do. I will put you into teams of three and you must use your tech skills you have learnt to record a video then put special effects on the videos." he said, for the most part I thought this would be fun! But then I realised. This is a group project. And he's choosing!! This is gonna be hell.. Then he started pairing each other up.
He said,
"alright next group will be, hmm. Ehh, Elizabeth, Jonathan and.. Abigail why not." we all looked at each other incredibly exited this was a take home project so we cod do this tonight! I had a day off my job today so it was perfect! At lunch we decided we would do it at Foxys house because he had a proper camera and computer.

I knocked on the door and ballora answered,
"it took you long enough." she said,
"sorry, had to wait for the babysitter to arrive." I apologised we went in and decided we would do a dance video. Foxy didn't want to dance so he said he would do the editing, we all agreed to this and they let me choose the song. I felt pressured so I thought of a random one off the top of my head. Ballora came up with a dance and foxy did what he wanted with the editing, on the due date the teacher showed the class the videos. After BB and JJ, they were twins, he called us out so we put the USB into the computer and pressed play.

Everyone started clapping, there were lots of, I didn't know she could dance like that's and I wish I could do that's. But we air high dived each other and watch the others videos. There was then a joke that went round that me and Ballora could start a dance group! We decided to make a YouTube channel together and made lots of dance videos together. Some with other people to! Our first video was the school project. Our second one was this one,

And because everyone at school like this one so mutch we made so many more! Here's a few,

This was a special video. It was my first cover of a song, I sang it then we put it over the video. We got all the gang and our siblings to dance to. Our of mine over Ennard and Liam wanted to dance with us. (in the video it is a girl but it is a boy, just letting ya know) Lol bit realy didn't want to dance with us, I think she's camera shy. I got a new job with Ballora, we dance and sing at birthday parties now! I get payed a lot more than I did at the coffee shop. I got fired from that job, for fighting in uniform at work. 

Sorry for short chapter lol ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

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