Babys Secret

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No drawing to go with the story today but here's a drawing I did yesterday night.

Balloras P.O.V

It's been a few months now and mine and baby's YouTube channel has one thousand subscribers!! I'm so overwhelmed!! It was a Friday and Baby texted me saying,
'Hey Bal, want to come over tonight for a sleepover?' I responded saying,
'yas!! Haven't had one in ages!' I had just finished class and I went to go sit with the weirdos. They were all having a good old chat, then I realised Baby wasn't there.
"hey guys, we're Baby?" I asked,
"oh she's talking to Ennard" foxy responded. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye I saw lol bit get her phone out and text somebody. I'm not nosy so I shut my gob and sat down with them. We chatted for a while until I felt somebody grab my shoulders, I turned around but nobody was there. Then there was a tickle on my ancle so I went to scratch it when somebody grabbed my hand! I was pulled down a little bit then I turned my gaze to my hand and, it was Baby!
"Rawr!" She giggled and crawled up onto my lap and sat on the seat.
"Baby! You scared me!" I shouted laughing at the same time.
"sorry Ballora!" she giggled, then I looked over to see everybody on our table laughing! And lol bit was recording! Then I realised, it was prank Friday!! The person who forgets the Thursday meeting gets ptanked on Friday!
"oh guys, I'm sorry for missing the meeting!!" I said,
"it's alright" freddy said. At the end of the day I went to see Baby and we were messing around elbowing each other and giving each other nuggies. Then I picked baby up and put here on my shoulder so her head was hanging over one side and her legs the other.
"put me down!!" she laughed. And I carried her all the way home laughing and joking when we got to her house I put her down and she said,
"Dont drop me!!" I laughed and pretended to drop her,
"Ahhh!! Ballora!!!" then she laughed as well, unlocking the door and letting me in.

Baby's P.O.V

When I opened the door I saw four little smiling angels greeting me with things they had made at school.
"hey guys! What are these huh?" I said crouching down a little because I wasn't mutch taller than them,
"We made you presents!!" Said Laim joyfully,
"yeah at school we all used clay to make you something!" announced Tom.
"I give you mine first!" shouted Alex,
He came up to me a d presented me with a little flower made out of clay with blue petals on it.
"it's like the one in your room!" he said, there was a blue flower in my room that my parents had given me before they died. My dad found it and put it in my hair and I kept it ever since. This gift was special and I thanked him and let him put it in my room.
"Me next!" Billy said exitedly, he raced towards me proudly with his clay sculpture, it was a bowl, an adorable little bowl that said in painted writing, 'Ewisabeth' I thought this was adorable! I thanked him and let him put it in my room. The next gift was from Liam, it was a plack that said 'well done Elizabeth for getting the best sister of a life time award' and it had a painted picture of me with bright red hair and him next to me with a big heart around it. The next one surprised me, it was an actual sculpture of me! It even kinda looked like me, I had bright red hair and big green eyes. I wore a shirt that was green and said 'weird' on it, just like my favourite shirt. It was so accurate for a little kid. He even took into account that my skin was pale and had painted me white! Wich was funny to me because he was so cute. I thanked him and let them go play, me and Ballora sat down and watched a movie. Then we went to my room to play a board game, we played monopoly it was realy fun! Ballora won though.

Ballora P.O.V

we just played Monopoly and I won! Now Baby has to do one dare from all the weirdos! It's a thing we do that who ever loses must do a dare from the whole group. I was thinking of a dare when Baby said,
"hey Bal, I'm going to the bathroom feel free to look around to find anything we could look at" and left I was left alone in baby's room. I layed on the floor until I saw something underneath her bed. It was a book, I grabbed the book and saw that on the cover it said, 'Baby's book of songs' Songs? I didn't know baby wrote songs! I immediately opened it and the first one said, 'undecided name' I read the lyrics and saw just how sad baby realy was. It talked about how she was heart broken and stuff, she never told us about any of that. I flicked to the next page and saw it was one about how she liked being alone, and stuff and I just stared thinking, wow. I read some of the nicer songs as well and they were realy good! Then Baby came in and said,
"what cha' reading?" she asked,
"your song book. I found it under your bed." I answered she looked a bit worried and said,
"do you like them?" I obviously said that I did because in her eyes I could so so mutch hope and happiness, then I said.
"can you sing me them?" she looked surprised and said,
"Oh, I recorded them and listen to them and school, I can show you those videos!" she replied. She got out her phone and pressed play on the videos.

I looked at them in awe they were so good!
"girl, you have to post these on youtube!!" I shouted,
"no.." she responded,
"people will watch them.."
"please baby, for me?"
"oh alright then."
We posted them on YouTube and they blew up immediately.

Baby's P.O.V

Oh god I hope nobody sees the videos.. They will make fun of me in those dresses and flower crowns!! I should have never made them. Ballora looked at me and said,
"hey Baby? I have the same dress as you in this one. But mines blue!" she announced.
"really?!" I asked exitedly Ballora then said,
"omg we shod do a photo shoot in them!! I can pay, I know a place down the road!" she said exitedly I agreed and put mine on we did my hair and put flowers and it, curled it and I put a tiara on! We walked to balloras house and on the way it was really embarrassing because people were looking at me, this one mother and daughter asked if they could have a picture with me! Sadly, we ran into lol bit and foxy..
"oh my god Baby is a princess!!" Lol bit screamed I was really uncomfterble as lol bit curled my hair with her fingers and touched my dress. It was a very poofy dress so I had hit a few things with it on the way here. Foxy looked at me and started laughing at how uncomfterble I was, he took a picture of me and sent it EVERYWHERE.
"FOXY WHEN I GET OUT OF THIS DRESS I'M GONNA EIP YOU APART LIMB BY LIMB!!!" I shouted, Ballora held me back and tried to calm me down and as per normal foxy said, alright shorty calm down don't worry your girlfriends helping you. " he smirked his usual foxy smirk
"FOXY!" we both shouted, he apologised and we went on with the walk to balloras house. When we got there we shut the door and ballora got changed, her parents let me sit down and talked to me for a bit.
"oh Elizabeth we have heard so mutch about you!!"
"Balloras always talking about you!" I just smiled and awkwardly laughed then they got a book out and started showing me balloras baby pictures!! It was kind of funny but also kind of awkward to. Then Ballora called me up and said,
"Baby I need help with the zipper."
I zipped up her dress and she looked beautiful! I stood there and looked at her in awe.
"like what you see?" she laughed then I blushed and apologised. We wend to do her make up next, I didn't have make up so she did mine for me to. I looked like some kind of Disney princess! So did she! It was weird yet kind of amazing. We even decorated my eye mask with some glitter! When we got to the photo shoot, I saw that somebody I knew worked there.
"omg I haven't seen you for ages!!" I said exitedly, Goldie was my cousin I hadn't seen him in ages! He was 19 now and obviously worked here!
"Aww Liz what have you done to your beautiful face?" he pointed at my stitches and my eye.
"oh I got in a fight" I answered, afraid he would give me a lecture. He just shook his head and said,
"oh you and your fighting dude, so who's this? Your friend?" he asked,
"wait! Isn't this the girl who you dance with in those videos? Also I love the songs that you made! The singing like one really expresses you! Ha ha! I'm so happy you made these I always knew you were special." he hugged me and Ballora and then we got on with the photo shoot. I posed with ballora and we took a few photos, then Ballora stood behind me and wrapped her arms around my neck for a photo to. We did lots of different photos until we had finished. We collected the photos and looked at them all the way to my house. We went and laid down in my bed after we got changed then watched YouTube till' we fell asleep.

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