Blood Is Thicker Than Water

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*Sin's POV*

  I woke up the next morning as Chris's alarm went off, signaling he needed to get up to go to the studio. I heard him groan and roll over to shut it off, then flop back over.

  I smiled, eyes still closed, and turned to face him, burying my face in his chest. "Well hi." he mumbled sleepily, and I opened my eyes with a giggle.

  He was giving me a sleepy smile, which I've always found adorable on him. "Hi." I whispered, our faces close together. He leaned closer, our lips almost touching. I was about to lean in closer, when my phone rang.

  Chris glared over my head at my nightstand, where my phone resided, and I apologized, then picked it up and answered it.

Sin: Hello?

Jealousy: Hey.

Sin: Oh shit, Jealousy, hey! How are you? How've you been?

Jealousy: I've been good, just taking care of my kids, the usual.

Sin: Kids as in, oh my God are you pregnant?!?!

Jealousy: (laughing) I meant Ricky!!!

Sin: (laughing) Ohhhhhhhkay you scared the shit out of me.

  Chris gave me an odd look, but I shook my head. I could just explain later. He started to get up so he could get ready, but I pulled him back down to lay with me.

Jealousy: You still talking to Mom?

Sin: Yeah. I'm actually at the house a lot now. Sidra and Electra too.

Jealousy: Why the Hell would you go back there?

Sin: She's changed, Jealousy. She really has. Not even the house is the same anymore.

Jealousy: Really?

Sin: Really really.

  Chris let out a small giggle at that, and I jokingly smacked his bare chest.

Sin: So how are you and your man-child?

Jealousy: We're good, I hate him being in the studio so much, but it is what it is. He's actually there more than any of them.

Sin: Wow. Well, we've been through this before, it's not like it's new.

Jealousy: Yeah, I know. I'm really gonna hate when they're on tour, though...

  I looked at Chris, who had his head on my shoulder with his eyes shut tight.

Sin: The way I've been acting, I think I'm the one that's been on tour...

  Chris opened his eyes and looked at me curiously, so I kissed the tip of his nose as Jealousy asked what I meant.

Sin: With him in the studio, and me running off with the kids, I don't really see him anymore, and the girls don't really see him either...

  As soon as those words left my mouth, the reality of my behavior towards him finally hit me, and I burst into tears. Chris held me tightly and tried wiping my tears, then kissed my cheeks.

Jealousy: Well, if you're not happy with how you're treating him, fix it.

Sin: I plan to. I have to go. I love you.

Jealousy: Love you too, and Sin?

Sin: Yeah?

Jealousy: Don't do anything stupid.

Sin: I promise.

Jealousy: Good.

  I ended the call and chucked my phone down onto the floor, then curled up into Chris's chest as he tried to console me. "It's okay, Sin..." he murmured, lips dancing against my hair.

  I shook my head. "No, it isn't. I've been treating you like fucking shit." I sobbed, clinging to him desperately.

  "You're just excited to have your mom back." he countered, and I could hear a slight bitterness in his voice.

  We laid there for a bit longer till I calmed down, and then he had to get up to go to the studio.

*The next day*

  "Sin?" Jealousy said as we climbed out of my car. "Yeah?" I shut my door and looked at her. "I'm kinda scared..." she admitted, and I could see fear in her eyes.

  I gave her a half smile. "She's different, I promise." I comforted her as we walked up to the front door of Mom's house.

  I had managed to convince Jealousy to come see Mom, and I was going to surprise Mom with it. I knew she would be ecstatic.

  I knocked on the door, and Mom opened it 10 seconds later. "Oh hey Si- Jealousy?" she asked in surprise. Jealousy nodded and gripped my arm tightly. "Hi Mom."

  Mom stuttered for a moment, likely out of shock, then took a step back. "Well please, come on in sweetheart." Jealousy looked at me nervously, so I gave her a gentle push to get her moving.

  Jealousy looked around the house in awe of it's new appearance as I said hi to Mom and hugged her.

  She had a different smell about her, as though she had been burning something, but I dismissed it as a kitchen mishap.

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