Deadly Persuasion

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~Author's Note: Last chapter before I post the end, it'll probably be short but I hope you enjoy!~

*Sin's POV*

Chris understood that I needed to go deal with my mother, so he offered to watch Sidra and Electra and clean up dinner, while I went to my mom's.

I decided to change first, since I was still in my clothes I wore in the hospital. I put on a pair of split-leg jeans, black on one side, red and black checkered on the other. I paired it with a red long sleeve fishnet shirt with a black bandeau underneath, and ran a brush through my hair.

I slipped on a pair of Deadpool socks, then put on my tall black Doc Marten boots. Finally, I grabbed my keys, wallet, and phone, then headed out to the car, telling Chris and the girls, "Goodbye, I love you."

I drove to my mom's with the ring in my pocket. How could that have gotten into the chicken wing? It just didn't make sense.

When I got there, I didn't even bother knocking. I just walked straight in and called out for my mom. Mom walked in from the kitchen and smiled when she saw me. "Sin, hi!" she exclaimed happily.

Mom tried to pull me into a hug, but I stepped away and pulled the ring out of my pocket. "You alright?" Mom asked. I held the ring out towards her in the palm of my hand, earning a look of pure shock.

"How did you get that?" Mom asked, slight anger in her voice. "I fucking bit into it." I snapped at her. Mom snatched the ring, now looking worried. "Just forget that happened." she mumbled, walking away.

I followed her. "Mom, my family was fucking attacked, and so was my friend, by some fucking demon, and now I find Dad's ring in my food?" I said, my voice growing louder.

"Leave it alone, Sin. For your own good." Mom threatened. "Fuck that!" I yelled, "You're still fucking practicing, aren't you?!"

Mom got a deer in the headlights look, and I punched the wall, almost breaking through it. I could feel my hand break though. "You can't leave now..." Mom said quietly.

"Excuse you?"

"Your father, he's still here. He's who hurt them, and has been making me practice. He wants you, too." Mom confessed. "Like I'm going to fucking believe that." I seethed, ready to walk out the door.

Mom pulled on my wrist when I spun around to walk away. "Stay with me, Sin. Stay with yout mom. Don't you miss having a mom?"

I sighed before saying, "Yeah, I do." I turned to face her again, and she hugged me. "Then stay with me, Sin. I love you." I hesitated, then hugged her back. "I love you too."

After a moment, I pulled out my phone and sent Chris a text.

Sin: i hav 2 stay, i cant leav. im sorry. i luv u

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