Up To Your Neck

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*Sin's POV*

I sat on the couch with Electra and Sidra snuggled up on either side of me as we watched The Lost Boys. "Hey Sin, where's Chris?" Balz asked as he walked in.

"Back-yard." I replied, and he grimaced. When Chris went out to the back-yard, that meant he was having a complete break-down. I would be doing the same if it weren't for the twins.

"Did he talk to you, about...things?" Balz asked. "Oh yeah, and there's a possibility for the reason behind it." I said quietly, looking at the girls to make sure they were lost in the movie. They were.

"What is it?" he whispered. "My mom." I mouthed back, and he squinted his eyes at me. "How?" he mouthed, and I shook my head, then said, "Tell you later." as I nodded at the girls.

"Can I get you beautiful ladies anything?" he asked, winking at me. "Um, I'm good, girls?" They didn't hear me, so I tapped both of them on the shoulder to get their attention. "Uncle Balz asked you a question, answer him." I said disapprovingly.

Electra asked him to repeat it, so he did. "No thank you!" she chirped, and Sidra repeated her sister. "Let me know if you change your mind." Balz said, then walked out.

We kept watching the movie, till I heard the back door open and shut. "Chris?" I called. I heard foot-steps, then he appeared in the door-way. "Yeah?" he huffed at me, looking bothered.

I asked what his issue was, and he said he had to clean something, so I asked what. That was when I noticed he was keeping his left hand hidden behind his back, as well as part of his face covered.

"Girls stay here." I commanded, then pulled Chris into the bathroom by his right arm. "Let me see." I told him, and he shook his head.

As he did that, his hair moved to reveal a cut on his forehead. "Oh, Chris..." I mumbled, then grabbed disinfectant, a few cotton swabs, and Band-Aids. "What about your hand?" I asked, and he sheepishly held it out so I could see. Four knuckles were busted open and bleeding, but didn't appear to be broken.

"Can you move your hand?" I asked, starting to clean the wound on his forehead. "Yeah." he replied, and I mentally thanked whatever God may exist for that. When I finished cleaning it, I put a Band-Aid over it, then took care of his hand.

"Feel better?" I asked him, throwing away the trash. "Eh, I didn't really feel it," he said, "Adrenaline." I chuckled as I responded.

"I meant like do you feel more calm?"

"Oh. Yeah, I do."


"You need to explain about your mom though."

I sighed. "Let me get Balz then, he asked while you were outside and I said I would tell him later." We left the bathroom and went upstairs to Balz's room.

I knocked on the door, and opened it when he said, "Come in!" He spotted Chris and raised an eyebrow. "Feeling better buddy?" he asked as I shut the bedroom door to give us privacy.

Chris nodded and plopped down onto Balz's bed next to him, and I sat on Chris's lap. "So, about the shit with my mom..." I said quietly.

"Yeah, what the fuck did you mean?" Balz asked. "Well, around the same time shit happened to Chris, I was watching a movie with my mom.

"All of a sudden, she just jumped up and ran out, and fucking locked herself in her room. I followed her, and I could hear her talking, but it was too quiet to decipher anything. It may be related."

"You think she cast a spell?" Chris asked, and I shrugged. "I haven't seen any Satanic anything in the house, and I don't think she would just run out to do it, she would've done it before or after I left." I said, and they both knew I was right.

"Well it can't be a coincidence, it's too damn weird." Balz argued, and I nodded. "I know, but I don't wanna talk to her about it till we know for sure."

Chris spoke then. "Well I'll tell you one thing. I'm not setting foot in that house again till this is resolved, and I'm not letting you or the girls in that house either."

*Three hours later*

"Can't believe I'm in this fucking house." Chris grumbled, stepping inside as if he were walking on broken glass.

I reminded him it would be no longer than twenty minutes, and I would be right by his side, but that made no difference to him.

Chris and I had made arrangements to go stay with Zain for a few days, till a priest could come and bless the house. While neither of us are even close to being religious, it still would make us feel better.

We hurried into the bedroom, and I saw the knife stuck in the wall as we passed the kitchen. I ignored it, dragging a reluctant Chris behind me. When I opened the bedroom door, I saw all of our things strewn across the room, the majority of it on the floor. "Guess it wasn't happy." I tried joking, and Chris glared at me.

I grabbed a suitcase for each of us and set them on the bed. "I'll get my shit, you get yours." I said, picking up a couple of random shirts and stuffing them in my suitcase.

We quickly packed our things, and we carried them out to the car. "Now gotta get stuff for the girls." I said, shutting the trunk. "Do I HAVE to go back in?" Chris asked.

I had never seen Chris so genuinely afraid, not once. "No." I said, "I'll be back fast as possible, I promise."

I gave him a quick hug and kiss, then went back inside. I walked to the girls room, and tried opening the door, but it wouldn't move. I hit it with my shoulder a couple of times before it popped open.

I saw the girls' room was in the same state as mine. This would all have to be cleaned before they came home. I quickly packed a suitcase for each of them, then went back to the hallway.

It was then that I noticed something that struck me with fear to the core. There was a framed picture of Chris and I on the wall, outside one of his concerts. The glass over my face had been smashed.

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