Every Desperate Murmur

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~Author's Note: Hey guys, I'm having to upload from my Nook now (my phone got taken thanks to being grounded) and it doesn't have the option to bold and italicize things, but it will still be obvious when it's a text, phone call, or lyrics. Additionally, it may not be the normal length of chapters. I'm really sorry, I hope you guys still enjoy.~

*Sin's POV*

I sat in my room, as I had for the last three weeks, watching TV with the twins as we laid on me and Chris's bed. Despite my very strong dislike of the show, we were watching Dog With A Blog on Disney Channel.

I stared off into space as the girls giggled at the show, and heard Chris talking to someone outside the door.

"I don't know, she's just, closed off again..." He paused, and I assumed the conversation was being held via phone call. "I don't know, but I'm about to have Zain take a crack at her."

I rolled my eyes and moved down so I was laying with my head on the pillow, and both Sidra and Electra snuggled up on either side of me.

I haven't talked to anyone in the three weeks that have passed since Jealousy and I went to Mom's. Not Chris, the girls, Mom, anyone. When I decided I was closing off, I meant it.

The door opened, and Chris walked in, eyeing us girls. "Hey Electra, Sidra, do you think you could go play in your room?" he asked then, "Daddy needs to talk to Mommy."

Sidra sprang up immediately and left, while Electra whimpered and clung to me desperately. I kissed the top of her head, then pointed at the door, so she left as well.

"Hey beautiful." Chris said in a cheerful voice as he sat on the bed. I smirked and pointed to my bedhead, pajamas, and smudged makeup. He laughed and said, "Still beautiful!"

I couldn't help but smile. No matter what, he always tries with me. He always has. "Think you'll talk today?" he asked hopefully, and his smile was replaced by a frown when I shook my head.

"Is this about what happened with Jealousy?" Chris asked, and I shrugged. In a way, it was exactly it, but at the same time, I was just too scared to let people in, after remembering everything.

Chris pulled his phone out of his pocket and laid down with his head on my stomach. He dialed someone's number, and put it on speaker so I could hear it ringing.

Zain: Hello?

I rolled my eyes.

Chris: Hey man, it's Chris. I need your help, if you've got time.

Zain: Actually just got back from the movies with my nephew, what's going on?

I gripped Chris's arm tightly, a warning to shut his mouth.

Chris: You've known Sin a while, she ever do the silent thing around you?

Zain: ...She seriously is doing that again?

I frowned, causing Chris to nurst into laughter. He quickly collected himself.

Chris: Yeah, it happens every so often. And this time, I just can't break her. I thought maybe you could.

Zain: If she doesn't wanna talk, she isn't going to. She once went three months without a single word.

Chris: Hah, she refused to speak to me for six.

Zain: Well give her the phone, I'll see what I can do. Will she talk to ANYONE?

Chris: Not even the twins.

Zain: (sighing) I'll try.

Chris: You're on speaker.

Chris wrapped an arm around my waist, burying his face in my torso.

Zain: Sin you little shit, you talk to those fuckers or I'm gonna beat you!!!

That did it for me. I lost it. I burst out laughing uncontrollably, making both the guys laugh as well. I told them both to go fuck themselves, making them laugh harder.

Zain: You love us!

I smiled at Chris before agreeing with Zain. "Yeah, I do."

~Author's Note: Attempting to post a link to what Sidra and Electra look like, hope it works!~

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