Chapter 32

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Hey guys wassup so I haven't been updating a lot anymore and I'm sorry I'm just kinda upset. I'm pretty much tired of everything and i really don't wanna be that girl who you think you know but secretly cuts and gets hurt.

And too all of my beautiful fans if you are a cutter and need help or wanna talk about it u can dm me on here and I'll make sure to answer you.We'll here's a chapter that's kinda sad because they half to say goodbye. Well here is chapter 32 enjoy ;)

I pack up the last thing in my suit case and zipper it up. I'm sad and happy so I guess you could say I have mixed emotions. I'm sad that I'm leaving all of the guys and won't see them for awhile. But I'm happy because now that I'm an official part of Magcon I can see them often.

What I was excited about also is seeing my M&M. She's my bae/BFFFFF/my 2 sister. We are probably the weirdest people that ever lived. But seriously I don't even understand us sometimes.

"Ready" Alex and Matt say at the same time to me and I laugh but in a sad way. We walk out the door and I feel the cool air blow on me. We get into the car and I read the time 6:00 am. I am about to faint because I never wake up this early except when I fly cause my family always leaves at 6:00 it's very strange.

We jam out to dem tunes in dem car.

2 feet in the red dirt school shirt

Sugar cane , back lane

3 jobs took years to save

But I got a ticket on that plane

People got a lot to say

But don't know shat about where I was made

Or how many floors that i had to scrub

Just to make it past where I am from

"WERE HERE" Matt screamed in my ear.

"Umm can u like not do that it's like not cool" I say snapping my fingers and grabbing my backpack. I walk out of the bus and walked inside to the ticket thing.

We did all that and headed to food while we waited cause if someone didn't feed me someone was gonna get eaten.

I walked into Starbucks with Alex but I call her Chika. Don't ask why I just do and she calls me Carolina Pie. I don't understand why she just says she does it fits me so I go along with it anyway.

"Hi umm can I have a Passion Fruit Tea and a muffin please" I say.

"What's your name" She says with a really really fake smile.

"Carol" I say and she writes it down. She does the same thing to Alex and blah blah blah happily ever Starbucks.

"Carol and Alex" A girl says and we walk up and grab our drink. I grab my muffin and she grabs her brownie.

We walked to where we were boarding and everyone was there. I really didn't wanna say goodbye.

I walked up to Mahogany and hugged her. I was gonna miss her a lot because we became really close.

"Bye Carol" She said hugging me really tight.

"Bye I will see you soon tho" I say smiling and hugging her back. We kept talking and we promised to text a lot until I moved on. To be honest the ones I were gonna miss the most were. Jack,Mahogany,and Aaron.

"Bye Carpenter I'll miss you" I said hugging him.

"Goodbye Cupcake I'll miss you too" He said hugging me. We talked for a couple minutes until I realized we were boarding soon soo I went over to Jack.

"I guess it's goodbye" He said.

"Ya but I mean we will we each other soon so that's good" I said and Jack reached for something out of his pocket.

"Here I got you this" He said while handing me a necklace. It was beautiful. It was gold and had the words L O V E on it.

"Aww Jack thanks is beautiful" I said smiling and hugging him.

"Flight 46 now boarding" The speaker said. Curse you speaker we were having a moment :( .

"Well bye" He said hugging me.

"Bye" I said and then we kissed. I walked into the flighty tubey thingy that leads you too your plane. It was time to say goodbye to NJ.

Authors Note

We'll guys that was a really good way to end the book wasn't it. I really loved this book too bad it has to end. Goodbye all my beautiful fans.

JUST KIDDING MWAHHAHAHAHA IM SO EVIL. I'm not ending this book for awhile ill probs end it at maybe 65 chapters. Maybe a little less idk. And my loves I need a new cover for my story. It would be amazing if you guys could make me one. Here are the things they need to have.

1. Magcon (it can include Nash and Hayes and them if you want it Doesent matter).

2. The name of the story and my name.

3. Umm what else OO I got it it has to have a unicorn and rainbows on it 2.
No guys im just kidding about that it'd be weird with that.

We'll guys ya I'm gonna get goin to sleep cause I gotta work tomorrow for my dad so ya. Tell ur lovely friends or whatever about my book I need more reads Chikaz. Comment and vote too. Bye guys -Abby :)

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