Derick's a dick

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Ken slammed his head onto the desk groaning in desperation, muttering muffled, incoherent curses. The rest of the boys either leaning on their hands or in a similar position to Ken. "Can we leave yet?" Levy questioned looking up at his friends. "We probably could, I mean the teachers fucking asleep so we could just get up and go," Sam answered the half asleep boy, gesturing towards the teacher.

Agreeing to leave, the group stood up and left the school making their ways home, but before they were even five minutes away from the school a familiar voice called out to them. "Hello my friends, I've been waiting for you," the sadistic voice of their friend,Derick, greeted.

Sighing the boys turned around and looked at the boy stood,now, directly in front of them. "What do you want Derick?" Tom asked exhausted and deprived of sleep. Derick laughed lightly and grinned before saying,"Well, I found our first adventure to do and since you agreed I thought you should know," he started walking past them before adding,"Oh, I almost forgot to say, you need to be at the theater at midnight again, tonight. Well bye guys."

"Why is he so creepy?" muttered Sam before walking away, soon followed by the others. As soon as each of the boys arrived home they headed straight to bed to hopefully get some sleep before they left later that night.

A/N- Sorry about the chapter being short as usual. Remember to like, follow, share and review. This is Boi Marsh signing out!

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