The Man I Love

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Cyrus followed TJ inside, looking around at the place. It looked like an ordinary family home, but Cyrus noted that the decoration was mostly black and gray.

"Don't mind the spooky decoration," TJ told him, motioning him to follow upstairs. "My parents are still in their goth phase."

Cyrus gave him a mischievous grin and followed him upstairs, "That or they've trained you to say that to hide the fact that you guys are vampires."

"No comment," TJ turned back to smile at him as the reached the top. One of the first' doors was covered in unicorn stickers, throwing off the rest of the decoration.

"Amber's room?" Cyrus asked as they walked past it.

"Yeah," TJ answered. "She doesn't have anything interesting, though. She dumped out a lot of her room recently."

"Why?" Cyrus asked him as TJ pushed open a blank door. Cyrus walked inside TJ's room and gasped as if he had just entered a new world. It was cluttered, but the floors were clean. His bed was made, and there weren't any clothes sprawled around. He had a candle that made the room smell like the ocean. He had what seemed like hundreds of CD's lining the walls on nailed on racks, posters of musicians and basketball players, and he had one tall book shelf that had nothing but vinyl's. There was a plastic bin drawer full of tapes. Without asking, Cyrus opened it and looked through it. He was curious by nature. When he realized what he was doing, he looked over at TJ with a worried expression.

"She said it was a cleanse after Jonah dumped her, but Jonah didn't really give her anything, so I have a hard time believing that," TJ said, sitting down on his bed. He waved off Cyrus' action with a hand motion and a smile. "I don't press stuff out of her, though."

"You guys seem to have a good relationship," Cyrus said, looking through the bin. It seemed to be the only unorganized thing in the room.

"Thank goodness we do," TJ said and then let out a chuckle. "Our cousins don't like us very much though. We used to boss them around growing up. We were mean kids... maybe we're still mean."

"I don't think you guys are mean," Cyrus turned to look at him. TJ looked at him with his lips in a flat line.

"Thank you," he finally said.

"I'm not just saying that just because," Cyrus reassured him, closing the drawer. "I mean it."

TJ smiled and nodded his head, "I know." Cyrus looked around the room again and walked to one of the CD racks.

"I'm assuming you love music," Cyrus told him, amused as he read through the albums.

"Only on the weekends," TJ joked, pulling out his phone. He had a message from a girl in his history class, and he had already been ignoring it for an entire hour.

"How do you hop from Avril Lavigne to Miranda Lambert and then Tupac?" Cyrus asked him, now walking along his walls.

"Music is music," TJ told him, tossing his phone on his pillow before laying down. "Do you usually go through your friend's things the first time you go to your house?"

"No," Cyrus grinned. "I do it every time I go to a friend's house. Except Andi's grandparent's. Worst playdate spot. We can't do any exploring in the house, and Andi is really strict about Andi Shack."

TJ lifted himself up and rested his head on his propped-up arm, "What's Andi Shack? You guys talk about it sometimes."

"It's a shack," Cyrus said as he put back a Bridgit Mendler CD on the wall. "It belongs to Andi."

TJ's Playlist | TyrusHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin