(I Love You) For Sentimental Reasons

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Cyrus wasn't lying about his mom. She was showering them in snacks, forcing TJ to call her Leslie, poking conversation with him here and there about his parents. She really liked gossip, but Cyrus tended to shoo her off before TJ could say anything too personal.

The boys were set up at the couch, watching random movies on Netflix until dinner arrived. Cyrus was on one end of the couch and TJ was at the other end, both dying to lean over to cuddle with the other. All they could do was blow kisses at each other when they were both alone in the living room.

TJ quickly noticed the difference between him and Cyrus' home. Cyrus' home was full of color, a lot more modern than his goth parent's decoration. He liked it. He was very appreciative of the baby photos of Cyrus strewn all over the place. Most of them were horribly photoshopped, but he still found them adorable.

He kept eyeing the piano in the corner of the room. His GG had one just like it, only in white. He had left it for Amber, but it didn't fit inside their home, so it got sent to a storage locker he was almost sure they didn't pay for three months. It might've been bided off, and his dad didn't have the heart to tell them. He made a note to ask later.

"Hey, Cy," TJ asked, his eyes sticking on the keys of the instrument, "who here plays piano?"

"My mom does," Cyrus answered before shrugging, "well, she used to. A long time ago. Specifically, when before I turned seven."

"What happened when you were seven?" TJ asked. During Cyrus' quick pause, TJ guessed it himself.

"The divorce," Cyrus said before TJ could stop him.

"I'm sorry," TJ found himself saying, looking over at his boyfriend with sad eyes.

Cyrus gave him a small smile, "It was for the best. I'm glad you didn't have to through that." TJ managed to smile back before looking back at the piano. He wondered if he still remembered how to play. He'd probably suck.

Cyrus gave him a small smile, "It was for the best. I'm glad you didn't have to through that." TJ managed to smile back before looking back at the piano. His fingers started tapping on his thighs, remembering what it was like to press keys. "Do you know how to play it?"

"Kind of," TJ shook his hand. "My GG and Nana always taught me and Amber because we liked it. Amber is the one that was always better than me. I probably could've been better, but I never pursued it because of basketball.."

"Ball is life," Cyrus snickered, making TJ playfully roll his eyes.

"Hey, if I'm going to do something, I have to be the best at it."

"Well if you know anything on the piano that you think you're the best at, you can go play with it."

TJ's eyes lit up, making Cyrus grin at TJ's sudden excitement, "Really?"

"Yeah," Cyrus said. "We have a guy come clean it every once in a while."

"People clean pianos for living?" TJ raised an eyebrow, already standing up.

"I thought the guy who knew random facts about everything would know," Cyrus told him, following TJ to the piano.

"Piano is short for pianoforte, which is Italian," TJ stuck his tongue out at Cyrus before sitting down at the bench. "Sit," TJ said, patting the spot next to him. Cyrus smiled and sat next to his boyfriend as he started pressing keys, trying to remember what to do.

"Do you know any songs?"

"Yeah," TJ whispered, his hands positioning themselves, "this is the song that was stuck in my head when dad left."

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