Let's Fall in Love

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TJ watched Cyrus disappear out the gym doors, a sinking feeling appearing in his chest. He was surprised they didn't move by themselves and start chasing after him.

"Look," Buffy whispered to TJ, trying to ignore that the entire gym was focusing on them, "I don't know what's going on, but it looks like you need to go after him." TJ gave her a dumbfounded look that only ticked her off a little more. "Go!" she pointed out the door. TJ rolled his eyes in an attempt to hide his frown.

"You're the best friend," he tried to tell her.

"You're the one who is clearly making him upset so go before I call Amber," Buffy waved her pointed finger furiously. TJ let out a small grunt before walking out. He didn't have to go after Cyrus, did he? He could just go home from here.

He didn't have anything to say to him. He wouldn't know what to say to him. It was pointless.

TJ kept walking through the halls until he reached the front of the school and recognized Cyrus walking off in the distance. TJ let out a sigh before speeding up to catch up to him, quickly recognizing the path he was going through.

Within minutes, he found himself at the park. Cyrus had already made it to the swing sets, and he had no idea that TJ was behind him. TJ really didn't want to be there, but suddenly, all of the feelings that came with missing Cyrus started crashing down at once. He took a deep breath and walked to the swing set, taking a seat in the one besides Cyrus who was humming his song. Cyrus noticed TJ, immediately silencing himself.

They both swung in silence, TJ keeping up with Cyrus' slow pace. For the first time in what felt like weeks, the music stopped. There was an ominous silence that came with the shrinking feeling of discomfort.

What happened to us? TJ thought to himself. There was no song playing in his head. There was no song in the world that could match up with how he felt at the moment with the silence, Cyrus, and the swings. There was no rhythm to the creaking swing set. There was no drumbeat in the wind blowing through the trees. There was no chorus from the children playing in the background. His endless conversations with Cyrus were his playlist, and he was starting to realize how bad he wanted it back.

"Hey," Cyrus finally whispered, dragging his feet on the sand to stop his swing.

TJ repeated Cyrus' action and mumbled quietly, "Hey."

"I'm sorry for being nosy," Cyrus blurt out, not looking at TJ. TJ looked at the side of Cyrus' face, wanting to meet his eyes.

"Don't worry about it," TJ leaned his cheek against the swing chain, staring at Cyrus. "I think," TJ sighed, rolling his eyes, "I think I blew things out of proportion. It was a bad time. I think I should apologize too." TJ looked down at the sand before them before whispering, "I'm sorry."

"I accept your apology," Cyrus turned to look at him. That's it? "Can I ask you something?"


"I don't want to come off as nosy, though," Cyrus bit his lip.

"You weren't being nosy," TJ shook his head. "You actually care about me, and I'm not... really used to people who aren't my family caring about me as much as you do. It's nice that you care. Thank you." Cyrus leaned towards TJ, still on his swing and reached out his hand. TJ took it immediately and gave him a small grin.

"I know you care about me, too. We're even," Cyrus told him, a smile on his face. TJ couldn't help but blush.

"Yeah," TJ cleared his throat, "we are." TJ stared at Cyrus face for a moment while Cyrus looked around the floor, ignoring the fact that TJ's face was beat red for him.

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