Something's Gotta Give

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TJ looked over at Cyrus who could only give him a nod. TJ cracked a small smile, "That's funny."

Cyrus furrowed his brows, "What?"

"I mean," TJ said as he casually flipped the page, "I always had the feeling there was something about Jonah that made you uncomfortable, and I guess I was right."

"So, you were able to tell?"

"Before looking at the journal, no," TJ shook his head.

"I mean, I promised once that I would tell you, but I guess you figured it out," Cyrus said, looking down at his hands. "This doesn't bother you, does it?"

"Of course not," TJ said, wrapping an arm around him, pulling him in to kiss his temple. "You know why?"

"Why?" Cyrus turned his head to place his forehead against TJ's cheek.

"Because Jonah is never going to get a polaroid with you like this," TJ said, pointing down at an open page. It was the picture where TJ and Cyrus were kissing on the lips, their eyes closed shut, already damaged from the flash of the previous photos. "Also," TJ laughed, "it'd be silly of me to get mad weird about something from the past. I know you like me. You're whipped."

"Hey," Cyrus pulled away, glaring at TJ for his joke as he started laughed. "You're also whipped. You've been whipped since you put together that playlist for me."

When an irresistible force

Such as you

Meets an old immovable object like me

You can bet as sure as you live

Something gotta give

"I shouldn't have told you it was for you," TJ snickered, pulling Cyrus back in to kiss him. "I should go home soon before your mom runs in here and chases me out."

"She'd kick me out before you, honestly," Cyrus smiled.

"I still don't know how my parents are going to react," TJ frowned, closing the journal and putting it to the side.

Cyrus reached out to hold TJ's hand, "Let me know when you're ready, and I'll be there, okay?"

"Oof," TJ bit hit lips, "we still have to tell your dad and stepmom, too."

"I'm starting to think I can tell them by myself. I'm actually going to my dad's tomorrow, so I'm trying to get through this with the adrenaline I got from today. You can just meet my dad on a family game night"

"My family doesn't have those," TJ laughed. "Our usual bonding happens after one of us points out that we each haven't seen Macaroni in a week, and we start to think he's dead. I pretend to go look for him with them around the block, but I'm always in my room listening to music."

"Why do you hate Macaroni?" Cyrus smiled, shaking his head.

"He's suspicious. I don't trust him," TJ told him before pressing a kiss on Cyrus' hand. "Anyways, if you change your mind about telling your dad by yourself, let me know, okay?"

"Got it. You're the best."

"Well, you bring out the best in me."

When an irrepressible smile

Such as yours

Warms an old implacable heart

Such as mine

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