2 | The Missing Kitchen Knife

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Riley walked out of the kitchen with a visible cease on her forehead.

"Has anyone seen the kitchen knife?" Riley asked as she settled herself down in the dining table, receiving a slight buzz and shaking of heads.

"Strange." Riley murmured to herself, "Is everyone here?"

"Dahyun is still in her room." Momo answered.

"Momo, can you go check on Dahyun?"

"Gosh...why me?" Momo protested slothfully. She reluctantly pulled herself out of the chair and headed for Dahyun's room.

She didn't bother to knock on Dahyun's door and entered the room.

A quick shuffling of papers.


"Dahyunnie...what are you doing? Come out and join us for breakfast." Momo said with her eyes glued onto the stack of paper that held a subtle bulge underneath.

"Ahh, of course." Dahyun flashed a quick smile.

"You go ahead. I need to use the bathroom." Momo quickly said.

Dahyun looked at her for a brief moment, then nodded and walked out of the room.

And Momo of course, didn't head for the washroom. She darted her eyes around before flipping over the stack of paper. Her hand flew to her mouth as she tried to suppress a gasp.

The missing item layed there innocently, reflecting light into the discoverer's eyes at its sharpness.

Momo gulped down the lump in her throat and tried not to think too much about it. She quickly tried to return the pile into its previous look and made sure to visit the washroom to wet her hands before returning to the table. Although, she always had the habit of drying her hands. And Dahyun knew.

And she was in fact just like Momo. Instead of joining for breakfast immediately like she promised, she stood quietly in the corner as she watch the latter unravel her hidden item and how she scurried to the washroom like a scared mouse looking pale as ever.

She made her way to the table and greeted the rest cheerfully like she always does before Momo.

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