11 | Pursuer

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Nayeon drove in the direction to the cemetery in silence.

Her heart ached terribly at the fact that all her friends probably hated her.

She just wanted to find the murderer of her love, what's so wrong with that?

She decided to brush those thoughts away. Her mind focused on her love, she had so much things to tell Jeongyeon at the cemetery. Of her injustice, of her great revenge plan.

From the rear mirror, she spotted a Mercedes suspiciously tailing her. She swerved to the right and to her horror, the car followed.

Her heartbeat sped.

Was she the next target?

She gulped and started speeding up. She couldn't die yet. She still had to avenge Jeongyeon.

As expected the car sped up until it was close to hers again. Nayeon kept accelerating, she would make it out.

She was so busy eyeing her pursuer that she failed to notice the tall tree in front of her. As she turned her attention back to the road, it was already too late for her to avoid the obstruction...

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