4 | Somewhere Safer Then Home

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Eight of them stood in black bowing before the stone that held a smiling face, the reason why they were all weeping in grief, or at least, the seven of them.

The angels in the sky soaked them in their tears mercilessly, and soon as the lightning and thunder god decided to pay their visits as well, the eight finally made their departure.

The drive back to home was silent. No one knew how to start.

"The police force said...the weapon used to commit the murder is not our missing one." Nayeon spoke quietly.

"Why of course, did you expect it to be one of us?" Jeongyeon chided coldly.

Nayeon flinched.

"Stop, she was making an effort to break this suffocating atmosphere." Jihyo defended.

"Suffocating atmosphere? Suffocate us then! Momo's already dead! Let the rest of us die as well!" Dahyun yelled.

"Watch your mouth!" Chaeyoung glared at her, Dahyun glared back at her with equal heat in her eyes.

"I keep thinking." Mina started after a long silence.

"That day, when Momo left the house, Jihyo, you said it was 11 right?"

Jihyo nodded in confirmation, "Yes, I remember because I even asked her why she would go out at that hour and read out the time aloud."

"And Dahyun, you spotted her body. And when you did it was only 11:10, that would mean the time interval is only 10 minutes at most, but Momo travelled longer a distance it would take if she walked. At the distance she ran, it would mean that she ran immediately after she left the house. And if she already knew about her pursuer right after she left the house, why didn't she just return home?"

Everybody looked amongst themselves after hearing Mina's analysis, trying to look for the answer.

"She was running to somewhere." Nayeon answered it, "Unfortunately she didn't make it."

"Where? Where else would be safer than home?" Mina spoke everyone's question aloud.

"Fuck it. Does it even help with finding the culprit? Bunch of useless idiots." Jeongyeon spat harshly.

"Jeongyeon! One more hateful word from you you get out of this car! The last thing we need now is an argument." Jihyo hollered.

Jeongyeon scoffed but still kept quiet. She pulled down her hoodie in annoyance and looked away.

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