Chapter 4: New Friend

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"You can see me but you still keep ignoring me Mer," Jack groaned while following her around. She was riding her horse as Jack kept flying right next to her.

Last week she had preached him about Stonehenge and mentioned her name here and then. He kept messing around with her, wishing that she would make friends with him.

"Yes, I don't believe in ghosts like you and you're actually a Poltergeist," Merida said and made her horse go faster.

Jack rolled his eyes and flew past her, she had really sharp tongue sometimes. He was sitting on a tree as Merida got to the tiny pond and let her horse have some water. She didn't notice Jack who was slowly coming from behind her as she focused on her horse.

A wide grin spread on Jack's face as he raised his arm and blew air to his hand. A snowball began to crystallize on it and when she was least expecting it he threw it right to her back while laughter was echoing all over.

"YOU!" Merida shouted and sharply turned around, she started to chase Jack around the pond.

"That's what you get from calling me as a poltergeist!" Jack cheered while flying around the pond, on his back.

"Fine! Come here ghost and I'll arrange your exorcism!" Merida yelled angrily.

Jack just laughed at her, it lasted for a while until Jack suddenly stopped flying. He was looking towards the forest, wondering if he heard something. That was when Merida grabbed Jack from his shirt and pulled down to her eye level.

"Listen to me ghost - I am dragging you to castle and you'll pay for --" Merida hissed but ended up staring at Jack's pale face and the crystal blue eyes of his. She felt glad that he was looking elsewhere, otherwise he might've noticed the tint of red which visited her face.

"Give me your sword" Jack spoke all of a sudden and pointed at the sword which was hanging on Merida's hip.

"No...why would I," Merida mumbled and let go of Jack. Her fingers felt really cold after holding onto him for that short period of time.

"Trust me!" Jack yelled on the minute when a group of bandits hopped out from the bushes.

He took Merida's sword and raised it up towards the enemy. Merida grabbed her bow and arrows and pointed one arrow at the comers.

"Who are you! What do you want! This is DunBroch's area!" Merida insisted and felt shivers going down on her spine when they just laughed at her.

"We came to kidnap a certain princess with red crazy hair, a stinging tongue and who uses arrows. You don't happen to know her...miss?" One-eyed bandit spoke.

Merida frowned "I suggest that you leave or I'll make you regret."

Jack circled around them, no one seemed to notice him.

"I guess that we found her then," the one-eyed man chuckled and looked at his five companions "seize her."

Merida shot an arrow at a thin tall man and grabbed another arrow when he fell down. "Stay back!"

She couldn't stop the one-eyed bandit who walked towards her, reflected her arrow with his sword and grabbed her from neck, lifting her to air. He was as strong as a bear. "Bows aren't good in close combat. Didn't daddy tell you that?"

Jack ran at the bandit when he saw him grabbing Merida. He pierced him from the back and when he pulled the sword out, the one eyed bandit fell on his knees dead.

Merida held her throat and gasped after she was freed from that man. She watched how the boy fought with the rest. He made three of them slip on ice as he clashed his sword with the fourth one.

"Go!" Jack shouted to Merida and waved his hand, creating an ice wall between her and the three.

"I will fetch help!" Merida yelled.

Merida turned around on her heels and whistled. Finally her horse ran to her and she climbed on. She started to ride back towards her castle.

'"Please hold on..." Merida whispered to herself, she wished that he would be ok.


Merida turned to look at her left. Her eyes widened when she saw the boy smiling and flying next to her.

"You...hey! They couldn't see you and then they that man" Merida exhaled and slowed her horse down. They weren't being followed.

"Hmm...they ran when they saw me floating . I guess, that I am a spirit. If you believe in me...or think that I am around, feel me somehow...then you can see me. It is easier for younger people whose senses are clear. Otherwise I just go around the crowd, unnoticed most of the time," Jack explained and handed Merida her sword back.

"What's your name?" Merida wondered and put the sword away.

"Jack Frost... I can't exactly remember my old name," Jack hummed.

Merida brushed some of her hair behind her ear. " do you know how to use a sword?"

Jack glanced at Merida "I guess... that before I was a knight. Can't remember where and when...just that I died and woke up like this."

"You were a human?" Merida sounded surprised, she somehow pitied him. "Did you have a family?"

"Maybe? Who knows... so can I meet up your brothers. They seem really nice," Jack chuckled and grinned.

"Yeah, if you like pranks....wait...I guess you do," Merida let out a giggle.


I did a small change to the end of chapter 3. Their meeting felt rushed so I changed it.

Sorry for the lack of updates in all of my books. The summer was quite hot  and made it impossible to write...and my  sister's wedding took some time.

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