Chapter 5: DunBroch gets lively

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"Are you three sure about this?"

Jack watched at the triplets as they put some itching powder into Merida's makeup. He floated in the air and held his arms crossed.

Hamish chuckled and looked at Jack with certain honesty in his eyes. "Yes, we're positive! It will be fun to seer her itching all over on her wedding day!"

Jack frowned and then smirked, "Yeah... I guess it will be but she will chase you to the end of the world."

"We will set up a trap in the end of the world then!" Harris cheered like it was already planned.

Jack's brows furrowed and he nodded in determined way "Alright...let's do this."

The plan was for Jack to provide a distraction and the three brothers would each take their chance to place powder inside Merida's makeup.

Jack's knock by the door started their little scheme. A fierce, panicked looking redhead opened up the door. She was still wearing just her white plain underskirt and her wedding dress was hanging.

"Jack," Merida exhaled and looked terrified.

"Umm... I wanted to check on you," Jack hummed and tilted his head. " the all feared Merida of Dunbroch freaking out on her wedding day?" he asked with a chuckle and smiled.

"Stop! I barely know him and this is a matter of my houses honor and --," Merida was panicking with her words.

Jack pulled her out from her room. "Let's have a walk...shall we?"

It was like a crisp, fresh wind had blown on her face, calming her down. She gratefully agreed to take a moment and they went to walk outside.

They didn't see how the three brother's sneaked in and out from Merida's bedroom. Still they had this victorious grins on their faces.

"Jack... I just don't know... I always thought that I wouldn't marry anyone and yet..." Merida mumbled and brushed her fingers through her hair.

Jack stopped on his feet and looked at her, he grabbed her by then chin and made her look up. "You will do just fine... that man is good and stronger than you - which is kind of a miracle.... so things will be just fine," he said though he knew that he wasn't exactly good with this kind of talk.

Merida's face turned red when her ghost was so close to her. "Why can't it be you... you're strong.... I know you..." she whispered and then slammed her hands to cover her mouth.

"Me?" Jack repeated and laughed as he poked Merida to shoulders "Ah, you know very well that most of your household members can't even see me and I am a dead person."

Merida was on the verge of tears after her confession so to hide it she took this fierce look and punched Jack to chest "I hate you, you useless ghost!"

Jack took her outburst and her punches really hurt. When she was cooling down he pulled her in for a hug.

"Mer, I know that your life will be good... I went to see that guy, he was really nervous...worrying that you would bail. He is a fan of yours... everyone knows about the fierce redheaded princess of DunBroch and wants to tame you but not this guy, he wants to stand by you," Jack whispered to Merida's ear and felt how she relaxed.

"Thanks...and...sorry for hitting you" Merida whispered and let Jack go.

Jack felt a smile tugging his lips but then it was like he listened to something."Crap, your mom is looking for you...let's go," he exhaled and grabbed her from hand.

Merida let out a surprised short scream when her feet left the ground. Jack was just using the wind so they could fly back faster.

Once they got back into Merida's room Jack quickly took her makeup powder and hid it inside his pocket. "See you soon Mer," Jack hummed "I'll wait nearby."

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