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Next Morning


I woke up with a blank mind... I looked at my right and found Jimin still sleeping. I got up and walked in front of the mirror... Started at my face blankly....  'wait. Something happened yesterday?'. I tried to remember. And started smiling unconsciously like a drunk man. But I am not drunk I am sober. 'Oh shit. Yeah the confession! And then she smiled at me!'. I realised and rushed in the bathroom to fresh up. The whole time in the shower I only kept thinking about what did that smile mean. Is it a yes? Or a no?. As I came out of the bathroom. I found Jimin sitting on his bed and texting someone. "Good morning" I greeted my dongsaeng Jiminie as he laughed I guess talking to someone. "Oh good morning hyung!" He turned his attention to me for the greeting and then back to his phone. I went up to my bed and sat down on the edge. As I unconsciously kept moving my right leg. "Wow! Hyung! Calm down! What are you so worried about?" Jimin ran to me and held my leg for it to not move. "Man... What am I supposed to do?". "Do about what?" He asked as he sat beside me. "About (y/n). You do remember what happened yesterday right? The confession and then she smiling" I said with my head held low hoping he would advice me with something without me asking for it. I waited for him to speak up, but when there was no answer I looked up... He was staring at me... We kept staring at each other with weird looks. "...." I wanted to ask him what's wrong. ".....So..... Are you not gonna continue?" He said while having a confused expression on. "Right... Continue. Yeah.... So.... I don't know what her response was right. Like I don't know if it's a yes or no. So... What do I do?" I continued whilst being disappointed that he couldn't read my MIND!. "Oh hyung! Come on. Seriously? Ok fine.. the first and the most important thing is that in any situation which includes girls... Guys should always make the first move!" He said as he took his legs on the bed and folded them facing me. I did the same and faced him. "What do you mean make the first move'?" I asked for more detailed explanation. "Talk to her... Go to her dorm... Or text her.... Wait, have you ever texted her?" He asked which made me realise. 'Oh boy. I haven't actually texted her.. it was only that one day I texted her with a 'good morning'. God this is embarrassing' .
   "God you haven't, right?... Anyways I hope you do now." HE said as he started texting someone again. I opened our (me and (y/n)'s) private chat room. And messaged her.

Mine soon😍

Me: hey!

Mine soon😍: hey, hobi oppa. Wassup.

Me: nothing... Just woke up. What about you?

Mine soon😍: I was in the practice room practicing. Because our comeback is near.

Me: ah right. I hope you are not uncomfortable with me.

Mine soon😍: no. It's fine.

Me: good. Are you free tonight?

Mine soon😍: actually we just finished our practice so I am heading out to have a walk in this garden near our company building.

Me: oh are you going there alone? Or with the girls?

Mine soon😍: actually I am alone.

"Hey,Jimin. Do we have anything to do today?" I asked hoping we would be free today. "Actually... No. We are free today... But I guess we'll have to go to the company after 9pm" Jimin said as he saved my love life. "I love you Jimin" I said as I gave him a blow kiss and then started texting (y/n) again. I could hear Jimin giggle.

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