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Life in Forks and school in La Push felt normal for Rebekah, and normal was exactly what she needed

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Life in Forks and school in La Push felt normal for Rebekah, and normal was exactly what she needed. She was beginning to adapt to the modern times, learning how to use things like a microwave to heat her blood bags, which made them much better. Bella came and hung out at her place at least once a week, her father coming over to check on the blonde vampire every second day. Rebekah called Elijah every day, sometimes twice a day.

Niklaus had contacted Elijah, screaming at him about returning Rebekah not long after the girl had left. When Elijah went to the storage house Rebekah had woken up in to rescue their other siblings, Niklaus had taken them already. He had left a note, saying that this time he would really bury them at sea, and that he would find Rebekah and return her to her coffin. Elijah was devastated, he truely believed Nicklaus would do it. Rebekah wouldn't put it past him.

After learning that, Rebekah kept the silver dagger on her at all times, whether in her school bag or tucked safely in her boot. Either way, Niklaus was not getting it back and she was not going back into a box.

Things were going well for the blonde, however. She was happy with the routine she had adopted and the friends she had made. That is, until Jacob went missing from school. Quil said he had gone around to his house and his dad refused to let him inside. After that, it was just Rebekah and Quil at their table at lunch, Jacob no where to be seen.

When Elijah came into town, Rebekah took a couple of days off school to spend with her brother. By the time she got back, Quil was missing and Jacob was sitting at the cult's table, refusing to look at her. Rebekah decided that she would start to investigate this immediately. She did not like the fact that Jacob was ignoring her, refusing to even look at the blonde when she was around.

It confused her. Usually, she would just shrug it off, spread some mean rumours around about him and his new 'friends' and call it a day. She really did love tormenting people. Yet, with Jacob, she couldn't bring herself to even utter a single rude word about him. She wanted him as a friend and it hurt that he was gone.

"Elijah," Rebekah spoke as soon as her brother picked up the phone. "Do you know if there is any supernatural in the area?"

It was the only possibly reason. She had recalled how Jacob and Quil's friend, Embry, had over heard the conversation on her first day, and how boiling hot their skin was. What they were, however, Rebecca did not know, but Elijah would.

"I believe, about a century ago, there was a pack of shapeshifters. Niklaus had a nasty run in with their alpha that I had to then go and fix so that they didn't try and hunt us down. I believe his name was Ephraim Black. Why?" He responded.

Rebekah held back a sigh. "I was just wondering, I had never asked." She paused for a moment. "What are they like?"

After they hung up, Rebekah sighed. Of course there would be shifters here. Of course the alpha from a century ago shared the same family name as her new friend. Rubbing her eyes, Rebekah decided to deal with this herself and not involve her brother. She was a big girl.

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