Chapter 7 - The Bragging Nature of a Show Pony

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Chapter 7 – The Bragging Nature of a Show Pony

There were a lot of things that I could’ve guessed Chace Dugan did for a living. First I would’ve gone through the major sports that I knew about, then when that didn’t work I would have done a few guesses on different sports that I had heard of but knew nothing about, because I was absolutely certain that Chace was a sports kind of guy. And in that department I was right.

Standing in the arena, filled up with different wooden obstacles, I had to admit to myself I would never ever have guessed that what Chace did for a living was BMX biking. It looked dangerous, borderline stupid, due to the fact that he was wearing a helmet but the rope attached to the clasp was so loose that if he were to crash no doubt the helmet would go flying in the opposite direction.

My heart was in my throat as I watched him pedal as if his life depended on it, right towards a jump that led to another platform. That was if he didn’t misjudge the jump, because then he would plummet towards the ground and surely die. That was just my honest opinion.

He made the jump and continued to cycle up and down the different sides of the arena, doing backflips and god knows what else before coming to a screeching halt in front of me where he’d forced me to stand; in the middle of it all – which only made the jumps look that much more higher where they towered over me.

“Not what you thought, huh?” His eyes were sparkling from the adrenaline and he took off his helmet while still grinning widely. He didn’t even have to undo the clasp, which just proved my point further.

“Definitely not,” I agreed and it wasn’t a lie. “And you live off of this?” I made a circle motion with my finger, indicating towards the whole arena.

“Yeah, right now I’m doing the final meets before the X Games, which is why I’m leaving tomorrow morning.”

I had nothing to say, which didn’t happen often. I was rendered speechless. It was definitely not a sport that intrigued me, to be totally honest I didn’t even understand what the big deal was about it and nothing I could say would possibly be of any use to this conversation.

“Wow,” was all that escaped my lips and I looked longingly towards the wall at the top, envisioning me banging my forehead against it. Wow? Seriously? “Good luck on your meet!” I plastered a smile all over my face and Chace laughed.

“What’s up with you?”

“I don’t know!”

“You have a thing against bikes?” Chace actually looked amused.

“No!” I exclaimed in panic, “I just… I dunno, I just don’t get it.”

Chace threw his head back and full on laughed, which made me even more uncomfortable because I didn’t know how I should react to that. He laid an arm around my shoulders, grinning at me.

“Chicks and sports,” he mumbled and shook his head. “Come on, Smurf, let’s go get something to eat.

That was all fine and well, except that when we eventually made it to a place to eat all Chace seemed to be able to talk about was his meet that was happening over the next few days. Firstly I understood maybe close to half of what he said and second, I had nothing to contribute to the conversation.

Therefore I was forced to keep my mouth closed and just hope that I nodded and smiled in the right places. One question stood out in my head, how could someone live off of this? But Chace got to that part too as he talked about how he had to arrive early because of some commitment he had with RedBull.

Apparently they were one of his main sponsors.

He had to land some flip, then a twist something and then another flip… or something like that. I’d lost track a long time ago.

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