Chapter 17 - Bent Not Broken

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Chapter 17 - Bent, Not Broken

I spent days just lying in bed, occasionally coming up for air as I tried to get myself back on track. Not only was my body completely worn out from the trip but I was also drained mentally.

I felt violated in a way I couldn't properly describe whenever Trix tried to get me to talk about it, because Chace had tricked me into doing a drug and then hadn't even attempted to apologize. Not in Cabo and not after. I hadn't heard a word from him after we'd left and it was beating me down even more.

Trix spent as much time with me as she could, but eventually had to get back to work. Even with her cramped schedule she still found time to stop by and make sure I was eating. I'd leant her my key since I had no plans to leave the apartment in the nearest future and couldn't muster up the resolve to get out of bed whenever the buzzer went off.

"I'm worried about you babe," Trix said as she'd succeeded in making me eat my food at an actual table and not in bed. "I'm not sure what I can do."

"I'm fine," I mumbled and opened that carton of chinese take away.

"You're anything but fine!" She argued and put plates down for us. "You need to get out of this apartment, it's like poison when you're down like this."

I grimaced and tipped food onto my plate. "I'd rather not."

Trix sighed, "I know that, but you can't stay up in here forever."

"I was thinking until I have to leave for college."

"So you can hole up there instead? No. Riley, you have to get out. Promise me that you'll leave this apartment today and go do something, even if it's just a coffee down the street."

She was thoroughly worried, I could hear it in her tone and it pained me that I was causing her this much stress. After everything she had done for me during this week this was the least I could do in return.

I sighed in defeat. "Okay fine, but only because it's you."

"Good. And actually stay there a while, okay? Don't just grab a take away cup and go back here."

Well she'd seen right through that one. "Promise."

We ate in silence after that, mostly because I was too tired to hold a conversation going even though I'd slept sixteen hours already and it wasn't even noon. Trix gave me back the key as she got ready to get to work and hugged me before leaving.

She held me at arms distance, both hands clasped on my shoulders. "Take a shower, get some air, okay?"


I knew Trix was acting in my best interests, but I still didn't want to do any of those things. The door closed behind her and I stood there contemplating going back to bed, but I was struck by a sense of loyalty and honesty, so I knew I had no choice.

It was a much needed shower because I was stinky and gross, but it was still tiring. At least I smelled better when I was done. I towel dried my hair and found an easy outfit to slip into before locating my sunglasses. The lesser chance at someone recognising me the better, plus I suspected the sun would be annoying as well.

"Here goes nothing," I mumbled and exited the apartment, locking everything up behind me before trekking out into the street. Everything was abuzz with life and nobody paid any attention to me, but I still couldn't shake the feeling they were staring, which of course was just me being paranoid.

I stood in line at Starbucks and ordered myself a caramel frappe before letting myself get herded off towards all the others that were waiting for their drinks. How was this helping me exactly? I had no idea.

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