Chapter 10 - To Name and Shame

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Happy reading! x

Chapter 10 – To Name and Shame

I’d decided to take Kourtney’s car up into the hills, mostly because when Chace had texted me the address during dinner he’d told me to bring a car, even though I had no idea why. I didn’t see how if I drove myself or got someone else to drive me made much of a difference.

Following the instructions my phone had given me after I’d typed the address into the GPS system I tried to pay attention in the dim lighting if there was an exit anytime soon. According to my map there should be.

Sure enough, as the road wound higher and higher I spotted a discreet side-road up ahead. It had to be the correct one because I couldn’t see any other road nearby and so I turned on my blinker and began the steep climb upwards. I was basically driving blind, if my phone was leading me towards a cliff I’d literally have no idea before it was too late.

I heard the music before I saw the house. For some reason I’d expected an apartment building, but instead a modern looking house came into view and I parked the car as close to it as I could. 

There was a glass fence, which immediately struck me as highly impractical on more than just one note. The front yard was small, but sporting a lush green lawn by the looks of it but in that moment it was filled with people smoking and discarded empty bottles and cups.

I stepped around a weird looking pile that suspiciously looked like vomit and walked up the two front steps only to have my entry become blocked by a tall muscular figure.

“Excuse me,” I said and looked up, he was so tall I had to tilt my head backwards.

“I haven’t seen you around before,” he said and flashed a set of perfectly lined pearly whites. His hair was shaved down to only a couple of inches and his skin was either a natural tan or he had worked hard on getting it that way.

I stared into his ice blue eyes and for a moment I forgot that I had to reply. “I haven’t been here before,” I clarified. My eyes travelled to his large biceps, no veins were protruding or anything, but there was something about him that told me he had this kind of raw strength that not many people could match up to. A pair of dog tags hung around his neck as well, resting against his black t-shirt, but they looked too fancy to be army made.

Anyone who could see had to admit that this stranger was an extremely attractive one, there was no denying it.

He held out his hand and said, “I’m Skye.”

I took Skye’s hand and shook it, the firmness in his grasp made my skin tingle. “Riley,” I supplied and mirrored his smile with one of my own.

“A pretty name for a pretty girl,” Skye noted and I tried not to blush, “you here on your own?”

“Sort of,” I said, for a moment I’d completely forgotten about Chace, “I’m meeting someone here.”

“I see, a boyfriend?”

I had to supress a smile from the hope in his eyes, he didn’t exactly do a very good job at hiding what he wanted me to reply. “No, no boyfriend. Just a friend, if he even qualifies as that.”

Skye nodded and turned to gesture with his arm towards the door. “Can I get you a drink?”

Quickly I looked around but couldn’t spot Chace anywhere at the moment. “Sure,” I told Skye and he led the way inside. People were standing in clusters; some were dancing while others opted for talking. The music wasn’t particularly loud in there, but I could hear another rhythm coming from the back and as we passed through the hallway the other source of music grew louder. Whoever was organizing this obviously had stereos all over the place.

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