Chapter 11 - Advice With a Side of Fries

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Chapter 11 – Advice With a Side of Fries

Skye told me the directions to a diner that was open at nights and I followed them with obedience. When we got inside of The Porcelain it looked like a type of diner one always saw in the movies; booths sporting red sofas and by the counter stood stools in the same scarlet colour. Everything else was either brown or metal.

Even though there were no one else here I still gravitated to the private corner booth at the back, wanting to be out of sigh if any curious onlookers happened to walk through the door.

I slid into the seat overlooking the diner and leaned heavily against the wall feeling a wave of exhaustion come over me. Skye sat down opposite me and slid one of the menus he was holding across the table. Coffee didn’t seem very tempting at the moment so I flipped the laminated paper over to look at the milkshakes.

The place seemed deserted, even devoid of workers, but after a few minutes a girl who looked to be my age came out from a door behind the counter. Her brown hair was tied up into a high ponytail and judging by the tired look in her eyes she’d rather like to be in bed than be working.

“Hi, I’m Sophie,” her eyes brightened as she noticed Skye and a smile slipped onto her face. “What can I get you?” Sophie didn’t even look over at me, it seemed I had ceased to exist.

“I’ll have a coffee, black, and some fries,” Skye supplied and then looked over at me, forcing Sophie to do the same.

“An oreo milkshake, thanks,” I tried to smile to be polite, but it felt more like a grimace.

“Okay, I’ll bring that right over. Let me know if I can help with anything else,” she beamed and sauntered off. I suspected her shift just got a little better in her eyes.

I caught Skye staring at me when she left. Finally it just got too much. “What?” I frowned at him, wondering if I had something on my face.

“You sure you want to be here? You look tired.”

“It’s fine,” I waved him off. If I didn’t stay with him chances were I’d go back to the house in the Hills and try to talk to Chace and I knew that was a bad idea so here I was. “I’ve never heard the name Skye before, is it a nickname?” I deflected.

It was obvious he saw right through me since I wasn’t being very subtle but he took the bait anyway and nodded. “My name’s Skylar Graham, but everyone calls me Skye.”

“You from here?”

“I grew up in Orange County,” Skye said, and I suspected that a life in California was what had perfected that tan of his. “Now I’m at California State.”

“Let me guess,” I grinned. “You’re in a frat house. You look like the type!”

Skye chuckled, “I look like the type, how?”

“Tall, toned and muscly,” I supplied, “I don’t even want to ask how many hours you spend at the gym during a week.”

This seemed to amuse him and he dragged a hand across his jaw, supressing a smile and his eyes travelled past my face.

“I’m right!” I pointed a finger at him as it sunk in, “hah!”

“Okay, maybe you’re right,” he agreed, “but you really shouldn’t stereotype, it’s wrong.”

“You are aware you couldn’t even say that with a straight face, right?”

Skye threw his head back and laughed, “Fine, you got me. Don’t look so smug, it was a lucky guess!”

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