Chapter 8 - The Paintballs From Hell

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Chapter 8 – The Paintballs From Hell

It had been two days since I’d last spoken with Chace. Our contact had ended after that night before he had to leave. He’d kissed me goodbye and said “call you later”, but when exactly was later? It had been driving me insane for a solid forty-eight hours now.

This morning I’d texted him wishing him good luck and all I got back was a vague thanks followed by a peace sign. I hated myself for this newfound obsession of mine and I hated it even more how my stomach would flutter as soon as I thought about him. Or how my pulse would shoot through the roof when my phone vibrated, only to plummet again when Chace’s name did not show up on the screen.

I was being obsessive and pathetic and I was fully aware of it. I just had no idea on how to pull out of it. I had zero experience with these kinds of things so not only did I not know what the protocol was here, I also had no idea on how to keep myself in check.

“You’re just infatuated,” Trix had said, “you don’t know the guy enough to be falling for him. It’ll clam down.” I had some serious doubts about that though.

It was also why a bunch of us were going paintballing today. Trix and I were tagging along on Austin’s group after she’d got wind of it, claiming I needed a distraction and more the merrier, right?

I padded along the apartment, waiting for the time to pass. The numbers on the clock seemed to snail by and a few times I actually suspected that my phone was broken. Sighing heavily, even though I was alone, I dragged my ass into the bedroom and slowly changed into an outfit that was paintball friendly; a pair of old, worn out jeans and a long sleeved tee. When I got back out in the living room only three minutes had passed.

“Argh!” I exclaimed and flopped down on the couch. Burying my head in the pillow I screamed. What exactly had I done to deserve this treatment, couldn’t time just be on my side for once?

The answer was a big, fat, no. By the time four ‘o clock rolled around I was pretty much mummified. I refused to believe that it had ‘only’ been three hours. It felt like weeks.

Four on the dot I called Trix.

“Where you at?” I asked as soon as I heard her pick up.

“Getting in the car now,” she lied.

“I can hear you going down the stairs.”

“Okay, whatever. So I’m getting in my car soon. poteto patato. “

“It’s four, you were supposed to be here already,” I whined and slammed the cushion into the sofa’s back. I hoped it got hurt.

“Calm your titties woman,” Trix laughed, “I’ll be there in five. Nobody’s gonna call the cops on us for being a few minutes late.”

I rolled my eyes. She was right, I knew that, but I couldn’t help being impatient. “I know that but –“

 “See you soon, Riley!” She said sternly and cut me off completely.

I huffed at the silent phone and decided to wait outside for her. This apartment was closing in on me by now. First I sat down on the curb and passed the time by rolling pebbles through my fingers, but that quickly got boring too and by the time Trix’s car rolled around I was lying with my back on the sidewalk tapping on my phone while suspending my feet in the air.

“You look like a crazy person,” she noted as she got out of the car to stare at me.

“I feel like a crazy person. Did you bring me a straight jacket? I think it might be needed.”

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