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I had every hope of beginning this sequel for Married to the Mob up by Memorial Day, but real life had turned crazy with a broken air conditioner, ankle surgery and the loss of my muse. I'm hoping that starting the sequel will jump start my muse. We'll see ... At least, that's my hope. You know? LOL.

Edward "The Boss" Cullen and his wife, Bella, survived hell and back. They are looking toward the future, which included a new path for the Cullen Consortium and impending parenthood. Edward and Bella are very excited for their new roles in their lives as Mommy and Daddy.

In the wings, there's a new enemy waiting. A man determined to bring down the Consortium and specifically, Edward Cullen. He was going to stop at nothing to put "The Boss" behind bars for the rest of his life. He partners with an unlikely ally, a woman who wants what she deserved. What she is owed, by her only family.

Will Edward, Bella and the family be able to move past this latest threat? One thing is for certain, they are Married to the Mob: Fighting for Freedom.

Married to the Mob: Fighting for Freedom



Looking at my bulletin board, I clenched my fists. So many deaths, so many disappearances. All of them were gone and all of them gone because of the Cullen Consortium. All of them were killed by Edward Cullen or his fucking cronies. He was a fucking monster. He needed to pay.

Now, how did I know this?

Royce King. He was a fucking wealth of information. Plus, he paid me handsomely to overlook his transgressions.

Blinking over to his picture, he was missing in action, too. He'd been missing for almost eight months, nearly nine. Last, I heard, he was going out to Dekalb, but he never came back. Neither did Stephan or any of the big players who went out there. It had to be Edward Cullen. The man thought he was fucking invincible! Like the law didn't apply to him.

I don't think so, asshole. You're going down.

I looked at the bulletin board, I crossed my arms and tried to figure out how to bring him down, to end their organization once and for all. I blinked to the picture that made me want to bring him down.

My sweet Charlotte, my baby sister. She'd been killed by Edward Cullen or by his family, his monstrous killing machines. She was a pawn in his dangerous game of chess, an innocent bystander.

"I'm going to get you, Cullen. You're going to fuck up and you're going down," I hissed. I sat down heavily, taking a swig directly from the whiskey bottle I kept hidden in my desk. My cell phone rang, and I swiped it, punching it harshly. "Detective Peter Maas," I barked. I listened to the voice and I grunted. "I'll be there." I stood up, caressing my sister's cheek. "I'm doing this for you, Char. He will pay for what he did to you. They all will pay."

I put her picture back and stuffed the whiskey into the back of my bottom drawer of my desk. Swiping my keys to the Crown Vic, I went down to the garage. I nodded at my captain.

"Where are you going, Maas?" he barked.

"I got a message from some guys from the fire department. There were a couple of bodies found in a fire," I answered. "Even with the fire, there was evidence of the bodies were shot. It's a homicide, Captain." He looked at me, his lips pursed. With a curt nod and dismissive wave of his hand, I got into my car. I drove to the address of the fire, wrinkling my nose as I smelled the residual scent of gasoline, smoke and ozone.

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