Chapter Twenty-Five

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As always, none of this is mine. This belongs to Stephenie Meyer. I just like to dabble in the playground she created.

We had Bella's birthday and the family meeting in the previous chapter. You all saw this coming, to be honest. The Cullen Consortium will be going in a different direction. Emmett is going to take over in Chicago, while Edward and Bella will be moving across the country.

We've got one or two more chapters, plus an epilogue. I had every intention of putting Maas's sentencing in the previous chapter, but it'll be in this chapter. We're also going to have some Mobward (but not Mobward ... who is he now?) and Dolce reconnection. Again, I'd had every intention to have some citrusy goodness in this chapter, but it didn't seem right. Now ... we will get onto it!

Chapter Twenty-Five


I was curled around a pillow. I was watching A.J. and Carmella play with Charlie. He was giggling, running around his cousins. The children were loving spending time with each other and I relished in having time with Esme, Maria, and Nina. Three women who loved their children unconditionally.

They were showing me that I was loved. Which I needed to be reminded of constantly thanks to my incubator. Maria fawned over me. Nina told me that my mother was a heinous bitch and deserved what she got. Esme just gave me her silent support with her gentle, kind, loving nature.

My head was spinning from the meeting I'd just left. We were cutting ties with the Consortium. We were stopping the illegal activities and going completely legitimate.

I should be happy.

I am happy.

Am I?

Yes, I'm happy.

I'm happy that we were ending this chapter in our lives. We were moving across the country. I was a little upset at the move, but this city held too many bad memories. There were many great memories, but the bad memories were prevalent in my mind, in my recent memory.

Maria came over to the couch, handing me a cup of tea. "It's an herbal blend. It's soothing and calming. You look like you need it," she said.

"Thanks, Maria," I smiled, wrapping my hands around the cup. "How are you? How's New York?"

"I'm doing much better. Anthony completely dotes on me and for the first time in my adult life, I feel safe," she breathed, curling up next to me. "I'm building relationships with the people in the condo and I'm working part-time in a bookstore around the corner from Nina's office. You'd like it. You should come to my bookstore. Three Lives Bookstore in Greenwich Village."

"The next time I'm in New York, I'll definitely make a stop. I love bookstores," I said, sipping from the cup.

"Bella, I know that you're struggling with happened to you," Maria said. "You're skittish and fearful. I understand. I understand that more than you probably realize. You saw who I was married to."

"Your husband was a douche," I snorted. "He deserved what he got."

"Agreed," she retorted. "I only wish I was the one to pull the trigger. I wanted to be the one to end him. I suffered for years under his ..." Maria took my hand and stared into my eyes. "What your mother did was abhorrent. Some people are not meant to be parents, mothers."

"I used to say that my mother was my incubator," I deadpanned.

"Good description," Maria smirked. "Bella, what I wanted to say to you was that if I can move past years, nearly half of my life, of abuse, so can you. Your husband, my nephew, is one of the best men I've ever met. Despite of his vocation, Edward is one of the kindest, gentlest and loving men I'd ever known. He'll be your biggest advocate and ..."

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