Chapter Two

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Writing the prologue did jumpstart my muse. Yay! Now, I can fully focus my attention on this sequel. We've heard from Maas and now, we're going to hear from Mobward and his Dolce. As always, this is so not mine. I do not own Edward or Bella. I wish I did, but I'm not Stephenie Meyer.

In regard to the update schedule – I'll be posting on opposite Sundays. Next week, you'll get a teaser. The following week, the update. As of now? I've only gotten ONE chapter written. I need to play catch up, plus work on my two other WIPs (A Modern Day Fairy Tale and Fire of Your Soul, my collab with HeartForTwilight).

Chapter Two


"I wanted to help, Edward," I grumped, sitting on the rocking chair in the nursery.

"You really shouldn't be breathing in the paint fumes, dolce," he chided. "I would hate for our little one be short a few brain cells because his mother was stubborn." He shot me a look. I sighed, nodding slowly. "Besides, I finished the painting while you were conked out after I'd fucked you stupid."

"Yeah, I don't know what happens after we make love. I turn into a blob of idiocy," I snorted. "And to think, I got into Northwestern University."

"Bella, you're brilliant, but my mom said that having a baby changes your body chemistry, which obviously includes your brain," he said, sitting down on the ottoman. He looked so handsome with his multi-faceted, thick hair, piercing green eyes and a jaw that could cut glass. "Bella, stop ogling me."

"Sorry," I mumbled. "You're just so pretty."

"I'm not pretty," he scoffed. "Handsome, love. I'm handsome. Hot, even!"

"You're all that, too, but I swear, you're like this supermodel and I'm ginormous. It's not even fair," I frowned. He sat forward, arching a brow over his chic glasses. Even his specs were hot. Being married to Mobward was going to give me a god damned complex. "What?"

"Bella, you're beyond beautiful. And do not even say you're 'ginormous.' Your doctor is concerned that you're so tiny," he argued.

"I'm gaining weight," I said. "I eat like a damned horse, but my metabolism is wonky." I blinked up at him. "You're coming to my appointment this week, right? Dr. Myerson said she'd try to determine the gender again."

"Dolce, I wouldn't miss it for the world. Jacob is taking you to the office and then we're going to the doctor together," he said softly, cupping my face. I stared at him, reveling in his love and tenderness. He only ever showed it to me and his family. "What is it?"

"I love you, Mobward," I whispered.

"Love is too small a word, cara," he smiled, kissing me. "And don't call me Mobward."

"It's who you are, baby," I giggled.

"No, I'm a husband, soon, a father and the CEO of a lucrative company," he argued. "Being the leader of the Consortium is only one facet of my personality. Not all of it."

"You're right," I nodded. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't tease. What I should do is force you to talk about that anxiety issue you had when Mike and Tyler came the other day."

"I'm fine, Bella," he said, shaking his head.

"That panic attack says otherwise, Edward," I spat. "Why did you freak out? Talk to me, please? You hired me to be a part of your organization to provide counseling to your men. Talk about being hypocritical if you don't follow your own damn advice."

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