Mark Sloan- Begin Again

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Took a deep breath in the mirror
He didn't like it when I wore high heels, but I do
Turned the lock & put my headphones on
He always said he didn't get this song but I do
I do

Your ex has a terrible personality and is a horrible person. He was mentally and verbally abusive. He always criticized your high heels, your taste in music and anything else you did. You spent 3 long dreadful years with him but the trauma was still with you. Your self-confidence was down and you had no hope for any other relationship at all. You were a 3rd-year plastics resident when Dr. Mark Sloan had started working at Seattle Grace Hospital. He quickly took on the role as your mentor. Almost 2 years pass you are a better version of yourself but you'll always have the traumas no matter where you go. You are in the final days of deciding where you want to do your fellowship either at Brigham and Women's, John Hopkins, or Seattle Grace now known as Seattle Grace Mercy West. As you walk down the hall heading towards the lobby on your way home to your apartment you bump into Mark.

"Ah (y/n), I want to take you out to coffee before you leave or if you're not leaving I want to take you out for coffee to celebrate the start of your fellowship here."
"I'm not sure, Dr. Sloan."
"It's can just be a casual meeting over coffee it doesn't have to be like a date if you don't want to," Mark tries to reassure you.
"I'm making my final decision on the hospitals tonight so I will let you know when I can meet you for coffee," You say with a shy little smile.

Walked in expecting you'd be late
But you got here early & you stand & wave
I walk to you

A few days pass it's now Wednesday and you are meeting up with Mark for coffee at a little café down the street from the hospital. You were running behind in a surgery, you worry that Mark would stand you up because you're so late. You get out of your surgery and freshen up quickly before basically running to the café. You walk into the front door of the café not expecting to see Mark sitting at a table waiting for you. He stands and waves signaling for you to go towards him. You walk over to him and hug him.

You pulled my chair out & helped me in
And you don't know how nice that is
But I do

He helps you into your chair and then sits back down himself.

"It's on me (y/n), what do you want."
"What, no Mark you don't have to."
"I insist (y/n) what do you want."
"Fine," You say with a huge smile.
"I'll have a (y/order) please."
"Ok, I'll go get that for you."

Mark comes back with the drinks. He carefully sets down your (y/order) so he doesn't spill it.

And you throw your head back laughing like a little kid
I think it's strange that you think I'm funny 'cause he never did
I've been spending the last eight months thinking all love ever does
Is break & burn & end
But on a Wednesday in a café
I watched it begin again

You spend hours talking and laughing with Mark. You admire how he throws his head back when he's laughing, but you just don't understand how he's laughing so much at your jokes. Your sense of humor is only understood by a few people and your ex definitely never got your humor. After 2 years and 8 months of having doubt about love, you feel your point of view on love shift a bit as you sit in that café with Mark.

You said you never met one girl who had as many James Taylor records as you
But I do
We tell stories & you don't know why
I'm coming off a little shy
But I do

He tells you stories about his childhood but you hold back a bit weary and shy not wanting to share because your ex hated when you spoke about your past. You find out you both love James Taylor and how many records you both have.

"I've never met a girl that loves James Taylor as much as I do," Mark says with a smile.
"I've never met a guy that likes James Taylor like I do either,"  you say as you lighten up.

And we walk down the block to my car
And I almost brought him up
But you start to talk about the movies that your family watches
every single Christmas & I won't talk about that
And for the first time, what's past is past

After the 2 cups of coffee you each had you leave the café and you each walk towards the hospital. He starts talking about all his family traditions for the holidays. The 4th of July is coming around and he wants you to join him. You almost decide to bring up your ex but you couldn't that was the past and you wanted Mark to be your future.

"I would love to go to your families BBQ!" You exclaim.
"There will be a few familiar faces there like Derek and Meredith, I'll let you know the details," Mark said enthusiastically.
"I also have one more question, (y/n), will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes, I will Mark Sloan as long as we take it slow."

'Cause you throw your head back laughing like a little kid
I think it's strange that you think I'm funny 'cause he never did
I've been spending the last eight months thinking all love ever does
Is break & burn & end
But on a Wednesday in a café
I watched it begin again

Hello everybody! How are you? This was my first song story thing I hoped you enjoyed had a little trouble but I'm happy with how it came out. Have a great day❤️😁

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