Owen Hunt

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You had just peed on a pregnancy test you took from the supply closet but you were too afraid to look to see what it said. You run to find Callie, your best friend since your intern year. You knew she had just had Sophia so you knew she'd know how to help.

"Callie thank god I finally found you!" you exclaim as you had looked around everywhere for about 10 minutes.
"Y/N, what's the matter?" Callie asks.
"Follow me please," you say dragging Callie into the supply closet.
"What's wrong? Y/N?" Callie asks knowing that you were frantic about something.
"I might be pregnant," you explain.
"What really?"
"My period is almost a month late and it's never late its always like clockwork, I also took a test before coming to find you for advice."
"Ok, well we'll look and then you could find a way to tell Owen," Callie says excitedly.
"Owen's the father right?" Callie asks as you look weary.
"Yes I'm just not sure I'm ready for a kid yet I know Owen has wanted one forever and I don't know if I'd be a great mother to this possible baby I-I just don't know."
"Y/N, calm down I'm right here by your side every step of the way and our kids will be the best of friends, along with Zola," Callie tries to calm you down.
"Didn't you hear Meredith and Derek are adopting one of the African babies Alex brought over?"
"Ah that's great I can't wait for this possible baby to have two best friends."
"Here it is, look for me please," you say as you hand the pregnancy test to Callie. 
"Y/N, you're having a baby!!!" Callie basically almost screams handing you the test back so you can see for yourself.
"Shhh!! Don't let Owen hear you."
"He'll find out eventually," Callie says with lots of sass.
"I'm going to find him right now and tell him since your scream told half the hospital," you say rolling your eyes as you leave your friend in the supply closet.

You find Owen looking at the OR board.

"Hey stranger I haven't seen you all day," Owen states.
"I've been kind of avoiding you," you say ashamed.
"What? Why? Y/N, you can talk to me about anything," Owen says hurt.
"Come here," you say motioning him into a hug.

When you let go you sneak the pregnancy test into his pocket.

"Y/N, what's that?" Owen asks as he feels what you just put into his pocket.
"Just look at it, Owen."
"You're pregnant?" he says looking at the test in his hands.
"Yes, you're going to finally be a dad Owen," you say with a huge grin on your face.
"Oh, Y/N I can't believe we're going to be parents."
"I think I'm a month along but I haven't scheduled an ultrasound I was going to call but then I wanted to tell you first."
"Let's go find Arizona," Owen says with a giant grin.
"You're going to make a perfect mother," Owen says leaning over to kiss you on the exam table that you were now on after finding Arizona.

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