Derek Shepherd

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"Hey there little guy, it's ok, it's just a bad dream," you tell your son as he wakes up from a nightmare.
"Mommy will protect you," You say with tears in your eyes knowing there was nothing you could say or do to protect him from the unbearable pain of losing a sibling. You've gone through losing a sibling before yourself but losing a child in the sudden way you did you just made you want to crawl up in a corner and cry your eyes out yourself. No one should have to go through this pain alone.
"I want Daddy."
"Derek!" You yell.
"Daddy!" Your son exclaims.
"Atty!" Your husband's face lights up as your son Atticus sits up.
"He had that nightmare again," you say turning towards Derek.
"Y/N," Derek whispers seeing you cry made him more upset than he already was.
"Atticus, Mommy, and Daddy would never ever purposely let you get hurt or sick as your sister did, it all just happened at once," Derek says as his voice cracks.
"I know, daddy."
"Now try to get some sleep bud, you go back to school tomorrow," Derek says handing Atticus his teddy bear.
"Good night, Atticus, mommy loves you," you whisper to him as you tuck him into bed.

You kiss Atticus's forehead as Derek says his goodnight. You both walk out of the room and go to your room as you instantly break down in tears.

"Shhh, Y/N I know you blame yourself for Emma dying but there was nothing you could do it was S.I.D.S. and you know that so don't beat yourself up over it honey."
"Shh! Y/N I'm here and Atticus is here and Emma's here in spirit and in our hearts now try to get some sleep we go back to work tomorrow."
"Good night I love you, Derek," you say.
"Good night, Y/N I love you too," Derek says as he wraps his arms around you in bed.

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