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I tried calling Jennie, but she didn't pick up my call. I bite my thumb while walking. I stopped and saw my jacket on the streets.

'What? did she throw my jacket off?' i bent and took it. I take it and wear it. I glanced to the right and saw a nightclub, 'did Jennie enter this place?'

I tried to enter, and saw the security guard who gave me a suspicious look, but I put on a convincing face even though I was a student. I made it in, and searched around the nightclub, but I didn't see jennie.

'This place is really very noisy, this is not my place, I hate this place'

I headed to the 2nd floor and searched again.
I walked and headed to corner of this nightclub, and that room is toilet, I walked and looked at the jennie with a man, I step backed my body to hide and listened to their conversation.

"please don't do that, only Jimin can do that" she said while crying

'What? what do i do? only I can do that?'
I glanced over the wall and saw that man kissing jennie's neck.

I heard Jennie whisper my name, 'why doesn't she fight back? Do I need to help her? or do I pretend to go to the toilet like other guests? ah yeah right! that is a good idea'

I walked towards Jennie and pretended to enter the toilet, but I grab Jennie's hand and pulled her running out of the nightclub. me and Jennie were far from the nightclub, my breath was heavy because I ran too fast.
I gave her a sharp look and asked
"What are you doing? Are you okay?"  She just nodded her head.

"Answer me!!I want to hear your answer, jennie-yah.. I know you're scared, talk to me, I don't want to speak alone. Am I wrong to ask something like this? answer me please" i begged and wiped her tears on her cheeks.

"I'm sorry, I just entered the nightclub for fun, but that man pulled me and did it to me" she explained it to me

"Is it true that only I can do that?" i smiled softly to her.

She just bow down her head without seeing me.

I heard her cry slowly, and i tilted my head and brought my face closer to her to see her face.

"I love you" i said.

She raised her head and looked at me with a strange look with tears still around her eyes. She turned her face away.

"answer me" i pouted.

"What do I have to answer? is that a question? I'll go!" She walked quickly and I just smiled at her back.

"wait for me jennie-yah" i whining.

Jennie Pov.

"You always leave me, are you going to your hotel? can i come along? I forgot to bring my hotel key, ah no.. Taehyung carried our hotel key.. so I will play to your hotel first" I glanced and He smiled adorably.

"You don't cry anymore, you look beautiful when you cry" he said while pressing my cheek with his finger slowly

"awww ... you're so cute, can I play to your hotel first? I will be bored if I wait for Taehyung back ..." he pouted

"answer me.. You will do whatever I want right? that's our promise" he sticked out his tongue

i just shooked my head and turned my head away.


"Wow.. You ordered a very nice room ... it's different from the room I ordered" He looked at me and i shrugged

"I want to hear your voice, speak" he sighed and rolled his eyes

"Sorry.. I just don't want to talk carelessly anymore. I don't want to repeat the incident when I expressed my feelings to Yoongi, I'm afraid. So please don't force me to talk a lot, Jimin.." i bit my upper lip

"Ah... you are a girl that Yoongi talked about.. it looks like we are met by destiny. my friends know you, and fate allows me to meet you this year. and I like you, I like you because you are different. you make me curious" he sat on the bed where I sat. he sat next to me

"yes maybe" i said shortly.

He hold my hand and said "Do you want to be my girlfriend? You don't need to answer it now, because I know that loving each other requires a process, and we only know each other two months ago" He shrugged and faced me.

"Your hands are warm, are you comfortable with me?" he said and smiled to me

"Maybe" my face gets hot like burning.

"why is your face looks really red?" he tilted his head and faced closer to me.

I stood up shockingly and said "I changed clothes first! This clothes made me uncomfortable!" I fanned my face with my right hand.

Jimin Pov.

'This little cutie Mochi.. she blushed but she acted like she wasn't comfortable with me'

How? do you want to know the next chapter of the story?
Sorry if this chapter is very short..
I will update as soon as possible to continue the story..
Hope you enjoy it.
Sorry for my bad english, coz english is not my Native Language 💜


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