Chapter Three: The Promise

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I looked down on the battle that raged on below Zuko and I. Roku and Ozai stood behind us, it was raining and dark as night.

"One moment, I know, deep down in my heart, that I must defend my people." Zuko softly said, with his hands clenched and his stance strong. "But then the next, doubt creeps in. Maybe I'm supposed to follow through with the Harmony Restoration Movement." He closed his eyes, I didn't know how to feel.

"Prove yourself worthy of the throne, my son!" Ozai shouted in his burnt ear.

"Gyawa, how am I supposed to figure out what's right when his voice is all I hear??! You could have silenced him forever... perhaps then I could have found peace. But you didn't, and now I can't!" Zuko's words pained me like needles, what if he was right?

"I... sorry Zuko." I stumbled to say.

"When he had a firm grasp of the good, your friend asked you for a promise!" Roku told me, but I didn't want to hear a word. I clenched every bone in my body as I shook with fear.

"The Fire Lord's will determines what is right! Embrace this truth and you'll posses the peace that you desire!" Ozai hissed at Zuko, who seemed just as confused as me.

"I don't think I'll ever stop feeling lost." Zuko breathed, with a tired worn out tone, his words sunk me down to the pit.

"Now fulfill your promise and restore the world to harmony!" Roku said.

"Go ahead, Gyawa, do it!" Zuko shouted as he held his arms out for a clear shot at him.

"No! I won't! Zuko, I-I... I Love you!" I struggled to say, Zuko paused and I saw something I hadn't seen in him since the day we first shared an kind of love.

Zuko slowly closed his eyes as the rain slipped from his face, streaming with the tears. "Just do it." He whispered, and yet I heard through the storm.

I clenched my jaw and hands as tears mixed with the rain coming down. I closed my eyes before reopening them in the Avatar State.

I moved all four elements around myself. Zuko could see Ursa behind Roku, crying. "Wait! Don't cry!" Zuko pleaded before I sent waves of fire at his chest.

Just then I gasped and woke to realize it was just a dream.

I sighed in relief but I still panted for breath. I looked over to see that Aang woke up. "What happened?" Aang asked.

"What do I do, Aang?? Am I doing the right thing? What if making that promise to Zuko was the worst thing I've ever done?!" I almost shouted as I broke a sweat.

"Well I don't think you should kill Zuko, he's a human being and your boyfriend. Didn't the nuns teach you to respect all life? Then killing isn't the answer." Aang replied sitting down with his legs crossed monk style.

"What if neither one of them sees reason, what if I'm wrong? What if the nations are meant to be just four?!" I asked clenching my fist, I still felt all the emotions from my dream.

"You can't focus on what if, only what is. I'm sure you'll make the right decision when it comes." Aang said, but it wasn't enough.

"Well I'll try to get some sleep." I said laying back down, but I got none that night.


The next morning we arrived before the army. "People of Yu Doa, you must evacuate the city immediately! Your lives are in danger!" I shouted at the crowds below.

""Watch out sweetie, we're being attacked by fire benders!" Aang gasped, as he dodged a huge fire ball.

"You mean earthbenders!" Katara replied.

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