Chapter 23: Saving

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She got a bit back and frowned. "What's the matter?" I ask her.

"Your eyes..

There purple"

Hoseoks Point of view

"Purple?" I ask her as she nobs. I bit
my lower lip as I stared at her side profile. She was staring at her hands. Gliding her thump over her fingernails. She moved her eyes from her hands towards my torso to my eyes. I gulp down as she starts looking into them deeply. She scoots a bit forwards and blinked.

"And you don't know what it means?" I nob as she put up little pout. Humming a bit and then slightly moved her hand up. Reaching my face. I feel her soft hand on the right side of my cheek making me smile and lightly flustered.

I looked at her and adoring the beautiful purple aura smoked around her. She smiled back making me look at her lips. Soft and not to thick. There are pink and smooth. There so..


Just when I was about to speak i heard something fall near the living room or kitchen. We turned our heads towards the door. Her soft hand slowly leaving my cheek. "I'll go, Stay here" She nobs as I get out of bed. I but my lower lip a bit.

'I shouldn't, It's not right'

I walk into the kitchen and see my well known friend standing there. A broken pan in his hand and a egg on the floor. I look up and she smiles.

"Why aren't you in bed?" I ask him. He smiles showing his dimples as his eyes tighten. "I'm Hungry" I roll my eyes and place my
hands on his shoulders.

"Where gonna have breakfast in a few, I'll wake you up now go to bed" I say towards Namjoon. He sighs and smiled again.

"Thanks Eomma!" and he ran. Why is he still drunk? He slept for a few hours right..

I check my phone noticing that there is something going on in town. A fire just a few blocks away. We should close all the windows but since is mid winter i think that won't be a problem but what is, Is that the fire can take lives of many people. I wouldn't be J-HOPE if i let this slide right. So I ran towards my room and opened the door.

There she was, Making notes while looking at the pictures from her dad. I walk to
my closet and grabbed two hoodies and masks. "Get up and put some dark clothing on. Where going out!" I throw her the stuff and she rushed out.

After changing she came back fully clothed. We climbed out of my window and ran downstairs. I heard police, The fire department, Ambulance. We ran and saw the black steaming smoke in the air. I looked at her and she nobbed. This is her real first task.

We got hold back at when we arrived so I looked for a well known face. "SHERIFF YOON!" I yell and the man turns around. He ran towards me as the police man stopped.

"Let us help" I say as he nobs letting us trough. "So the rumors are true" I look at him in confusion.

"The sidekick" He pointed at her as I nob. We walk towards a firetruck where firefighters are getting ready to enter the building.

"Where not letting you in the fire, That's to dangerous. The firefighters are getting inside saving people. You take them from them and bring them to a save place near the ambulances over there" He pointed at them as we both nob.

"Are there children inside?" Her sudden voice made me as the sheriff jump. Again the sheriff nobs.

"As we know so far there are four children on the second and fifth floor. There both placed into the bathroom at the windows over there" He pointed at them as she nobs.

The firefighters are getting in as we both got ready to help them and treat them. A man came out with two children in his arms as after him a women was there as well.

"Give them to me!" Y/N yelled as she placed both children right in her arms. The women who I assume is there mother got a bruised ankle as I picked her up and ran towards The ambulance there her children are.

"You both will be fine. I promise. Now be a good boy and girl and listen to the doctor okey?" She talked to them as i smile proudly at my 'student'

"Thank you" The mom says as i smile. "Always"

We both ran back towards the door. Police came to help with some people as I carried a old man. I turned to look at her as she was talking with a man.

"My son is still in there! On the second floor! Please ma'am!" I saw her fist tighten as my eyes widen. Before I knew she was with a gas mask on running into the burning building.

Saving a child.

What is she thinking...

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