4: Thoughts

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"Welcome to my place. Oh and before you could castigated me. Let me tell you that you've already lost thirty minutes of your class" he turn towards me and gives me serene smile.

"And it also seemed like you legitimately required some air. Let lose. You've got ten minutes before the next class." he places his hand on my small back and coaxes me further outside.

I wanted to shout at him, scream at him for making me miss my first class, but couldn't. Because he had a point, I did want some air, some time to refresh, some time to adjust, to forget. I was exhausted emotionally so much that I could feel physical fatigue.

"But my attendance... "  I mutter not looking at him, already cherishing the time I've got to breathe freely.

"You could say you got lost, as a matter of fact you did." he says as he enjoys the breeze.

For the first time in forever I felt relaxed, the air chilling my skin beneath the thin shirt, tousling my straight hair into ringlets.

I am lost in the breeze caressing my face and the sun's warmth contradicting the wind's iciness. I can feel my eyes close.

"You look cute when you smile, love." a counter tenor voice comes floating along with the wind.

My eyes pop open as I turn around searching for him.

He stands there. My Jimin. Giving me his passionate smile.

Though his eyes look devoid I could still sense the deepness in them. The corner of his eyes crinkle and his eyes forges into cresents. His smile making his heavy cheek area more squishy. Heart-melting.

"Did you miss me?" he questions as he wraps his hand around me. Not able to form sentences I melt into his form. I wanted to feel his steady heart beat against me but all I got was silence.

I look up at him back confused but that doesn't fluctuate my smile, my happiness. His beautiful chubby face marked with blood, tears flowing down his eyes as he whimpers. Anxiety hits me hard.

The wind has escalated into an hurricane. The once gentle wind has transformed into a violent gust.

I take steps back till my back hits the roof's railing. Something stops me but I'm not able to comprehend what.

His clothes are torn covered with the red life supporting liquid. A pink gash is traveling down from his thigh to his knees. The irony smell of his blood mixes with the leaking gasoline, overpowering.

He starts speaking despite of how much it hurts him. I close my ears and eyes. My tears roll down my on my cheek. I stager and crawl backward moving away from him. I'm not ready to let go of him just yet. We just started...

"No no no" I keep repeating to avoid hearing what he's trying to say. He can tell me later. He'll be with me. We have forever to talk, don't we?

"....I love you Y/n." he coughs and spits blood before his body goes limp. Lifeless.

"Jimin!" I slide back to him and shout shaking him hoping he'll open his eyes and say "Gotcha", like he always does. The pain is still an open wound. The salt water drop flows without showing signs of stopping, as it washes away all my defenses.

You are leaving me just when I thought you were mine.

I try to stand but I fall down on my knees trembling. The sobs punch through, rips through my muscle,  bones and gut. I howl silently as the misery worsens. I am hollow. My life crumbles in my fingertips. There is a weight in my chest and the lock in my throat.

"Are you stupid?" a deep voice shouts breaking my thoughts. Everything looks blur as the desolate tears flow down from my unblinking eyes. I turn towards the voice. The terrace boy...

I turn around searching for Jimin. He's not there...

The picture of loss, devastation and grief goes poof in seconds.

"You could have fallen from here to death!" the voice continues to scold me.  I turn back to see how close I was to the edge of the terrace. One step and I could have joined Jimin. As much as it sounds delightful,  the constant chiding of the deep voice anhilates the thought.

I stand up and run.

"Where are you going?" the anger I'm his voice has subsided and now it's overflowing with concern. I could sense him pull me back, trying to stop me. Shaking off his arm from mine, I run.

I will run till my legs falters, I will run away, away. Away from my fears. Away from my thoughts .


Memories fade
and time passes,
but when you have
truly loved someone
no amount of time
can ever erase those

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