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Hey! I'm happy you found this book! And thank you for giving it a chance!

Before you continue I want you to know a few about my book...

This book is about mental illness. It's mostly will give you a sight on how a life of a person with depression and post traumatic disorder is.

It is also about trust issues and the character's relationship will be slow. So please don't expect the main characters to see in one chapter and then fall in love on the next one and kiss on the next following chapter. I do not believe in love at first sight.

I selected the descriptive writing style because I want the readers to understand the struggles, the protagonist faces in her life and empathize with her. I give more importance to feelings than just merely telling the story.

This is a Fanfiction and I have only used the names and the behavioural qualities of BTS. The content is purely fictional and imaginary

There are some cliché situations but I can promise you that the impact of the cliché situations will be something which you have not read or experienced before. (Or I hope so)

I have chronic anxiety and I know what it feels like. I don't not encourage people telling me I am over exaggerating. Everyone have their own battles to fight.
Please respect it.

This book is to spread awareness. I have seen a close loved one of mine go through depression. I stayed by her side and I have been hurt while trying to console her. So please do help someone who needs a ear or a shoulder, if you can't please, at least try not to make it harder for them.

When a person is affected by cancer we blame the disease. Depression is a disease. Please do not blame the victim instead of the disease.

If you want to talk to anyone you can PM me. I am always here to listen. No one is here to judge.

That's it!

I hope you enjoy the story and support it. *Smiles*

Hold on tight! Cause it's going to be a long ride...

Trust me, please || J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now