The Death of a Hero

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All rights belong to the author, Aria Gray

"Harry Potter is dead. He was killed as he ran away, trying to save himself while you lay down your lives for him. We bring you his body as proof that your hero is gone."

Minerva watched the horror struck faces in the crowd around her. No one was sure whether to believe what he'd said, but she could tell that they feared the worst. The large oak doors leading out into the grounds stood open, letting in the pale moonlight and bathing the worried faces within, but no one moved toward it. No one wanted to confirm his words.

Minerva's eyes landed on two faces she hardly recognized through their fear. Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger stood gaping at each other. They looked as though they had grown ten years since she had last seen them. They were battle scarred and bloody but through the fear and grief in their eyes she saw something more: They had been hardened somehow. They were no longer the children she had known and taught, but adults who had seen more in this world than anyone could have expected of them. Tears were already streaming down Miss Granger's face and Mr. Weasley looked to bein shock. Everyone was worried, but Minerva knew that none were so worried as Harry's two best friends. They knew better than anyone that Harry would have willingly sacrificed himself if it meant saving the rest of them. She could see in their eyes that they already believed the Dark Lord's words to be true. Harry had gone into the forest never intending to see beyond it again.

Minerva couldn't handle the suspense any longer. She knew someone would have to take the first step. She moved toward the doors and peered out into the darkness. She stood alone, struggling to make out the figures that stood before her. She could feel the eyes of everyone in the entrance hall upon her. She could feel the eyes of the Death Eaters outside as well. It was as if the whole world were suspended, waiting for her words to spring it back to life.

"No!" she heard herself scream and barely recognized the pain and terror in her own voice. Her eyes had adjusted and she could see the limp, lifeless form of Harry Potter in Hagrid's arms. He was dead. The thought coursed through her mind over and over like a mantra: He's dead. He's dead. He's dead. The little boy with the curious green eyes, his mother's eyes, who she had watched grow. She had watched him struggle through life, smiling all the while, never wholly giving in to the grief and despair that should have consumed him all along. She had watched him grow from that nervous little boy who thought he was a Muggle into a strong young man, surprising her every day with his perseverance, his bravery, and his strength. She had watched him, the curiosity that had so endeared him to her never leaving his eyes, but grieving her as the light slowly drained from them and she watched them harden with each loss that he experienced.

And now he was gone. He was dead. That little boy who had come to mean so much more to all of them. He had been their hope, their savior, their guide, and now, at last, their martyr...

She barely noticed the people beginning to crowd around her in the doorway but their presence drew her back into reality. With one last look at the man who looked again like the little boy, she wiped a solitary tear from her cheek and turned away.


Hermione pushed through the crowd gathered in the doorway, struggling to see through the tears that were nearly blinding her. She didn't want to see, but she had too. Professor McGonagall's scream had confirmed the worst, but Hermione wouldn't believe it until she could be absolutely certain. She saw McGonagall turn away from the doorway, clearing Hermione's view out into the grounds. Without warning she saw him. The world stopped.

She couldn't speak; she couldn't cry. She was paralyzed and numb. It was over. Harry was gone forever. She had known his death was a possibility but even though she had already seen more death than any seventeen year old should have to see, she wasn't prepared for this.

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