~Chapter 5~

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She stared out the window as she watched the car drove past multiple houses and turn numerous corners to get to their unknown destination. She didn't know what happened but she knew enough to know that her parents were dead. In a sense, she was running away but she didn't know what she was running away from. 

The car took a sharp turn before driving past a faded sign and onto a highway, leaving the district behind. The sign that once wished drivers a safe journey was now covered in graffiti, making it's original words hard to read. They were the only ones on the highway and she couldn't help but feel scared. She watched enough movies to know that something bad usually happens when you're alone on a highway, especially when it was at night. She instinctively reached out to her penguin plushy and hugged it tight, not wanting to let go.

She glanced at the digital clock at the front of the car and saw that it was already half past twelve. That explained why she felt tired.  She looked around to see the other two bodyguards sleeping, leaving her and the driver the only ones who were awake. She looked out the window to find nothing but the opposing road leading back to what was her home. 

The moon shone brightly down on them and Yerin couldn't help but be mesmerized by it. Back at home, her windows were closed and her curtains were always drawn so she never really got to see what the sky looked like. Now that she got to see it, she couldn't help but be amazed by how beautiful it looked. The stars littered the night sky, illuminating the darkness as they sparkle. The moon glowed brightly among the stars, making the scene look even more breathtaking. Maybe the world still held some beauty in it.

The more she stared at it, the more she felt mesmerized. The fear that she had previously had somehow disappeared, leaving her in awe and feel comforted by the sight before her. Slowly, she felt her eyelids feel heavy. She leaned her head against the window pane, letting sleep take over her body assured that she would be protected by the night sky.

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