chapter 25

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You want to know what I hate? I hate those stuck up rich kids that act like they own the school. They think they are all high and mighty, but in reality, they are probably going to work at the local McDonalds or something. People can be so rude sometimes and not care about what other people are going through. Its kind of sad because it just shows how unoriginal and bitter everyone in this hell hole is.

"Hey, freak," Lana whispers in my ear, catching me off guard. I turn around and stare at them.

"Have you gone mute now or something?" Christa asks in her whiny voice.

"No, but if you two keep on talking I might just go deaf," I say, anger releasing itself throughout my whole body.


"Youre just jealous that we have parents," Lana spits interrupting what Christa was about to say.

" U-"

"-that our parents aren't dead and they didn't run away from us, their children," She says smirking at me. How does she even have a heart?


"You have no right talking about my parents. You don't even know half of it," I spit, glaring at Lana. Christa stares at Lana in shock as if to say what has gotten into you? I close my computer, grab my stuff, and storm out, ignoring their watchful eyes.

I can't believe she's that heartless. How dare she bring my parents up? I wish they could just go to hell and feel the suffering my friends and I feel. They deserve it. I look down at the paper she had in her hand during our encounter. Great. Now, I have to disinfect it or throw it away. Options, options, I think as I start to walk to the trash can.

Most of the anger Ive been feeling bursts through me in flames and heats my skin up. I bite my tongue and stare down at the paper like its going to set on fire. Then, just a little speck lights up the part my thumb was holding. I gasp, throw it down, and stomp on it to put the fire out before a teacher comes in and sees. I stare down at the paper, my heart beating so hard it might as well jump out of my chest.

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